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Everything posted by MrBlack

  1. Unlucky not to get one last night from a chance he couldn't have done more from. Unfortunate not to get one from a chance he could have done more from. Exceptional run and play to get into a position where he had to be fouled when through on goal. Overall, a very solid PL debut, with indications that he'll be a great player for us this season. He'll get into great positions, he'll create chances himself, and he'll create chances for others. Couldnt ask for more from a centre forward.
  2. if @Villan4Life thinks he's good he gets my vote. Am I to assume you don't completely agree with the second part?
  3. I would love some news from the club on this. Its all well and good doing this for a player like McCormack, but when it's someone who played the last game of the season, was by most accounts one of our better players in our second last game against Arsenal, and has publicly stated his love for the club, country and city on social media, it seriously raises questions. If there is a transfer on going that the buying club want kept secret, surely a fake injury story would be better than silence and questions being raised.
  4. You're missing out the fact he played on for a few games carrying that injury before he was signed off. That seems to be colouring people's views of him when they say he wasnt that great for most of last season. Whilst that may be true, it's because he played a significant portion of it either injured, coming back from injury, or coming back post lockdown. You can argue that those who support him are only basing it on a very short time frame where he played well in the PL, but our point is not that he's definitely going to be a world beater for us, it's that he's shown already he can do it, and we have to give him a fair opportunity to do it again. An injury hit season that got split in half by a global virus, followed by one game of the new season is a crazy time to be passing judgement that he won't cut it.
  5. This...absolutely this. And given both Konsa (hamstring) and Mings (something to do with his knee?) were hobbling around at some point during yesterday's game it is actually more a case of when, not if. CB is high on my list of needs at the moment. Just behind a right winger, and closely followed by a better Nakamba.
  6. Anyone questioning this and saying "so what, we weren't being pressured by Sheffield utd and should have had someone on the pitch to help create something" is seriously deluded. Had AEG come on and not done that pressing (we all know he wouldnt) that would have allowed Utd chance to get breaks away and see us risk losing our 1-0 lead, which would have been a far more likely outcome than going 2-0 up given AEGs performance against Burton. Fair enough, it might have helped, but to write it off as a wasted opportunity, when we comfortably held on to the victory is madness. Also, to say he did nothing of note is ignoring laughable chimps stats from a few pages back where he was demonstrably one of our better players. No, he wasn't great, but he was still miles away from awful.
  7. Indeed. Kepa looks truly shocking. I'm only glad Frank stuck by his blind belief that he is a good keeper, and Martinez was sold a vision by our leadership that persuaded him to take a step down. Looks every bit the gk that Arsenal fans were upset to lose.
  8. Did the one thing I was worried he wouldnt do this season; changed our shape when we were clearly not making in roads, early enough for it to make a difference. Yes, more changes may have been welcome, but there just aren't any other players on the bench that would have made an impact. The AEG of 2018 might have been a good choice, but the one that played against Burton did nothing in that game to warrant a call up. I'd have thrown him on for the last 10 mins but not to change the game, just for some fresh legs and to give him some time in a winning team for some confidence... but that's a meh kind of point for me. Great work from Dean tonight.
  9. I'm sure his performances before his injury layoff were fine, except for the last few when he was playing with his injury. In fact, I'm sure just before he got the injury (but carried on playing) he was our second best rated player after Jack. If he has lost a yard of pace and a lot of stamina due to the injury then he loses a lot of what makes him the player we love. We can definitely make a case that he's not had chance to get back to full match fitness yet, so i am still giving him time.
  10. I thought he was average tonight at best. Not one of his better games, must have been a fluke that post lockdown rise in form. Nothing to see here. That new cdm can't come soon enough. /s
  11. I agree, and backed up by Chimp's stats you cant really argue against the fact he had a decent game. However, it was far from exceptional and left plenty of room for improvement. He had a couple of decent first touches, but then didn't produce anything at the end of it. Not the worst player on the pitch, but nothing to suggest he has completely turned the corner. I'd argue he keeps his spot for the next match, especially if Traore is still short on minutes, but glad to have competition for his position and hope Traore is good enough to make the position his.
  12. I'm aware you don't rate Fred. I'd have him over Elmo. Cash is better than Elmo offensively based on tonight, and based on Elmos so so performance against Burton. If we want something different to come on at right back, such as to stop a team that may be exploiting that side, Elmo wont help in that scenario. And with Traore coming I dont see a need for Elmo on the bench for any reason.
  13. Tbf trez made some great first touches off balls in the air. Almost creating something of them twice. Not a brilliamt game by any stretch, but he was actually half decent. Emi Martinez was probably man of the match, not just for the penalty save. Awesome all round performance.
  14. Based on his total omission from the matchday squad I assume its correct. No reason unless he has an injury we weren't told about. Sad to lose him but at least Cash looked decent, although yet to see him pressured defensviely so cant really review that side of him after a match like tonight's. Feel he's been harshly treated if we're moving him on largely against his will, but sure he'll do just fine out of it financially and go on to achieve decent things in his career.
  15. I was thinking keep Conor on for his set pieces, but McGinn just created that corner with a great ball. So much of a muchness for me. Another good ball to trez just then...
  16. Need an offensive option off the bench... Traore where are you :(. AEG or Davis should be on soon...don't do what you did last year and leave it too late Dean...please. I know they're not great but there is little indication we're breaking them down as we are.
  17. Trez with a decent bit of play there again, mixing in with his total inability to play football at other times. Really is an enigma
  18. Cash looking very good... not sold on replacing Fred with him and having elmo as backup, but happy to eat my proverbial hat if he keeps up this level of performance.
  19. This ref must want football to be played rather than prevented by fouls and cynical actions. Let's not give him any excuses to level the playing field. Let's also hope we can do something against 10 men for a change
  20. Where is that message now? Can't see it on Instagram or twitter? Mad decision. Think he had potential to be brilliant. If the only reason he's on his way out is because they got Cash i do question why we thought that purchase was necessary over a centre back or a central midfielder (assuming we dont get them in later in the window). Its not like Cash was a once in a generation talent at a bargain price... Bizarre piece of business for me.
  21. It begins... Leyton Orient confirm 'number of players' have coronavirus Only a matter of time before this happens to a PL club and a series of games gets postponed as a result. No way this season is ending the date it should without teams being forced to play three games in one week at some stage.
  22. It was a joke, may not have come across. Not sure i can come to the same conclusion on Sama yet, lots of external factors involved that could explain why he looked a totally different player pre and post lockdown. However, the club know more behind the scenes and if it means they want rid, I'm not going to seriously question it.
  23. Great news, another sign of intent and the harmony that exists in the club at the moment. If he continues to develop his decision making as i expect he will (when to hoof and when to pass), that will eliminate a lot of his mistakes and go on to be a world class defender.
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