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Everything posted by New_Hope

  1. I suspect we have a lists of targets already. Those for if we stay in the Championship and those for if we get promoted.
  2. So it's 3rd...no 4th....no 5th time lucky for you old boy
  3. I'd have thought we'd have the full range of white, blue and claret shorts again.
  4. If the graffiti is anything to go by, looks like claret body and blue sleeves could be back! Nuremburgvillan
  5. I know hindsight us a wonderful thing but let's look at our last two wide boys. One a billionaire through inheritance that showed with 2 Sports teams that he couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. One a supposed billionaire (though nothing could be traced) who tried to use the villa brand to get commercial building rights into Birmingham and the UK who transferred all the debts onto the club whilst looking like he was 'investing'. Now let's look at NSWE. Both self made billionaires with traceable/transparent accounts to show their actual worth. Plus proven track record of turning around a sports team (Bucks). They don't cone across as the wideboy sort to me.
  6. And as self made billionaires....I agree but AVFC without Villa Park is NOT going to help them maximise profit potential through their assets IMO.
  7. One thing I don't want to see is us go back to paying over the odds for 'names'. I want to see us progressively build a squad and create the next 'names' which we can hold other teams to ransom with. If we get it right, we can eventually balance having a challenging team whilst developing players and making money at the same time.
  8. Mmmmmm let's see if $2.3b Wes Edens or $7.6b Nassif Sawiris need to cash in on Villa Park
  9. We are now ready for a return to the top flight and all this in the space of a season. I remember Graham Taylor saying that when you get it right, big clubs can turn around very quickly. This time last year, i didn't think we were ready. We would have done a Fulham but with poor antiquated Bruceball and poor infrastructure, management and forward planning. Now, we have good football being coached and implemented with Purslow pulling the management strings and forward planning looks to be put in place too. I'm excited and this week is going to be a long week!
  10. Like others have said, if you were coming in to buy AVFC from NSWE, surely you would include the stadium in the purchase. If of course the stadium is still a separate entity at that point - it may well have been sold back to the club by then for the grand sum of a Balti pie!
  11. I have no problem with this and see it as a smart move around FFP
  12. I'm not worried at all regarding DS's supposed lack of experience for a big game. I'd rather take the leadership experience of John Terry (skipper in these big games for Chelsea) than that of Lampard. JT will be such a huge factor in his support for DS at Wembley. Who has Lampard got to call upon?
  13. And whoever owns that company owns Villa Park!
  14. Skin of our teeth stuff right there!
  15. It's not like our owners need cash to profit from selling VP on in the future so if it puts £100m into the club to eradicate ffp issues, then I'm all for it.
  16. Just like the myth that we were shit against the Baggies over two legs because we didn't win 8-0 on aggregate!
  17. 'Dreadful?? I think this is an exaggeration mate!! We controlled both games against a team we hadn't beaten in the league season.
  18. I have so much confidence going into this final compared to last season v Fulham. Don't think it will be as emphatic as our previous 2 games but I fancy us to win it. League form since DS took over has us as the third best team in the league and I think that has shown itself in the dominance of possession we showed in both legs v WBA who pretty much had their Premier League squad intact.
  19. That Bielsa is some manager....wish he was our manager.....oh hang on! This is karma for the spy-gate tactics employed by them scumbags!
  20. Let's all laugh at that Leeds cockwomble who had Championship playoff winners 2019 tattooed on his shoulder!!
  21. Derby have already won a penalty shoot out this season so my money is on them should it go the distance.
  22. Win = Smith got it wrong Lose = Smith got it wrong Get to the playoff final by being prepared for all eventualities = Smith got it wrong Can you tell us just how Smith can Get it right?
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