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Everything posted by AvonVillain

  1. For you it's just a question of what looks better, for some much more, and others something of both.
  2. We'll find out for sure now. Be interesting to see what happens with Sanson, though it sort of feels too late for him, and it wouldn't be surprising if we see a couple of sub appearances before he goes in January.
  3. Well it's impossible to argue against that (except of course its wild popularity - which gets us into the realm of taste, which is not a subject I find interesting)!
  4. I'm not trying to win here. I'm pointing out, again, using extreme language is pretty boring. Some will find it funny. Some won't. Some won't give a shit either way. YOU don't find it funny, which naturally doesn't mean "there's nothing funny about it".
  5. Is it 'funny' if you like it, and 'disgusting' if not?
  6. Love this! I use this quite a bit and always get a quizzical look...
  7. Christ. Has any other manager got a Twitter account? Doesn't seem sensible...
  8. He hasn't really got a Twitter account has he??
  9. There's clearly a reason he stays and somehow survives the cull. Hopefully this becomes clearer, because it is a mystery at the moment.
  10. Do we really even need to ask this question anymore? Can you mute certain words on here? I'll take out 'hate' and 'ceiling' to start with and continue muting any fashionable phrase currently doing the rounds that devalues language.
  11. Out of all the badges / crests on that list, the best by far is the Crystal Palace design. I've not really looked closely at it before. Followed by the Spurs badge, which has a clean and simple, iconic feel about it.
  12. Personally I'd go back to FORWARD (which I didn't know was our previous motto), as it speaks more generally of Birmingham itself. Prepared just isn't right for me; so much potential for piss-taking and just seems kind of limp .
  13. We know exactly what we're going to get, depending on the big name player/manager/team in opposition! Who has been on a bad run? Who is lacking confidence? Who needs that goal to break a record? Which defence looked completely hopeless? Strike force inept? Manager in trouble? We know how this goes, it's called the Shane Long paradox.
  14. Amazed at the reaction the current badge gets. I'm excited to see a new badge - especially now to exorcise the last 12 months - but I don't feel the current design deserves such vitriol. It's perfectly fine, surely? Or maybe 'perfectly fine' in this age of extreme language does mean 'dog shit'. Odd.
  15. Isn't his background in TV production? Best of luck to him, seems like a natural progression. It's important to try things even if they fail, it's the only way to find out if something is possible. I won't be paying because I can't afford it. If I could I would. Same as Kermode and Mayo Film show which is / was a show I absolutely love(d), but can't afford to pay for, so that's it..
  16. He's sort of in Ronaldo territory now, (nowhere near as good, of course) whereby the team is better off without him. It's going to take some brilliant form to force his way back. Which of course suits everyone.
  17. Bloody hell is that right??? The best Villa ex-pros seem to be the ones who don't feel the need to have an opinion on everything in the media.
  18. It's such a pleasure to read / listen to genuine sports journalists, over the plethora of ex-pros not really sure what to do next but they damn well have an opinion on things! Never understand why more journalists aren't employed by radio shows / MOTD etc. to actually give us an informed, non-partisan opinion actually based on professionalism, knowledge and understanding of a situation.
  19. It is, curious though. And brilliant.
  20. Advanced negotiations! John Percy!! Start the thread!!!
  21. Guess this has already been done but hey: Sevilla / Villarreal / Aston Villa Great symmetry!
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