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Everything posted by SuperTed

  1. Again, I’m trying to put things into perspective as we’ve done brilliantly in the league so far, but it’s so frustrating losing these games
  2. If I was at this game with @rjw63 then he’d be hoarse from the amount of WDFAFC now
  3. Thank God we stayed up last year. I honestly don’t know if I’d have coped watching Championship drivel again. I know I’m biased as this is a 22 man shower of word removed, but good God the quality is dreadful!
  4. Ahh sorry mate! Showing my naivety there! Although, if I were the actor who played this chap I’d probably be deeply offended by the comparison. about as sharp as a nose myself here, Jesus.
  5. That’s good I thought when you referred to him as Rab C that you may know the man
  6. Not sure if I’m taking this out of context but please, please tell me you don’t know that thing?
  7. Looks like someone has just asked him what’s the the square root of 1. Word removed bumbling, sister shagging word removed
  8. Oh and Happy Birthday Mate!
  9. I was just curious because I’ve only followed Villa about 20 years and 80% of it had been misery, hence why I also think this will be a typical Villa loss just wondered where you may have got your cautious optimism from but you’ve followed Villa long enough to see them at their peak so I don’t blame you. I hope we win next week and I hope there’s a day soon when we’re 0-3 with fifteen minutes to go and I’m not certain we’re going to blow it (see Arsenal) but there you go. I’d take a point right now
  10. I have to ask mate and I mean no disrespect at all, but how old are you and how long have you been following Villa?
  11. Hendrie is actually a decent pundit I think.
  12. I’ve just been told their women’s team beat our women’s team 0-1. Can I assume they’re probably lauding it up?
  13. “oUr JuDe Is So MuCh BeTtEr ThAn GrEaSy” Get use to it, folks.
  14. Really have little sympathy for their fan base after the Wenger debacle. I know all fans (us very much included) throw their toys out the pram but to have the domestic success they’ve had and still whinge whinge whinge. Word removed off.
  15. I know we kid but I swear to Lucifer, if Grealish isn’t given a proper run out and I have to hear more drivel coming out of the big nose word removed mouth, I will actually spontaneously combust.
  16. Grealish is amazing. I just find myself smiling when he does something absolutely absurd and shows up 3/4 players in seconds. Joy to watch.
  17. I know we’re all joking with this but is it true Trump actually peddles some of the nonsense Alex Jones comes up with?
  18. Is there anyone in the Republican Party who fits this bill @Awol?
  19. How they gone and done poor Kanye like that
  20. I’m fairly new to VillaTalk and was wondering how many Americans or Expats living in the states do we have? Hope you’re having a good night and staying safe
  21. I’m sat watching CNN on Sky and I really, really like the Cuomo brothers! Hope Andrew makes a run in the future.
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