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Everything posted by fruitvilla

  1. OK I will have another go. There are groups of people who still live in this world who subscribe to some form of nationalism. Seventy odd million people voted for Trump on a "patriotic" ticket. Brexit was fueled on nationalism. As are all the far right ideologies. So your statement we no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies is false. I am not arguing commerce and its vehicles are not important. Just that your initial opening sentence was over the top. And regarding commerce, when we have trans national corporations they will try to dissuade war with that nation. There has been the observation we tend not to go to war with nations that we trade with.
  2. Kings Heath Paradise? Well it's not bad, I suppose, Traffic on a Saturday morning was hell.
  3. They can be unintelligible if they try. I remember going into a pub and thinking I can understand maybe one word in three. I have lived abroad for the last forty years ... I have rarely met a Brummie of WM expat. Mancs, Geordies, Londoners are all over the place.
  4. "That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence." Shall we have a battle of catchy phrases or a discussion?
  5. Can you show your working please? While you could visit Canada quite easily you would have to jump through a few hoops to live here. It was easy for me through an accident of birth. Ideologies abound. Seeing the world through the lens of corporations is an ideology itself. Your post contradicts itself.
  6. Well my intention was not to exclude such deliberations ... Rangers and Celtic comes to mind: the religious split. But I doubt their fans are significantly practicing Christians, so what draws them to their respective bases ... history? I'll pick on Mings again ... in the nicest of ways. It has been said that he makes poor choices. I happen to disagree (in the vernacular), but what is the nature of choice?
  7. I think you will find the goal was offside.
  8. Well I was thinking of the duality Mings being brilliant and sh!te at the same time.
  9. I tend to read a lot of stuff on this forum that I philosophically disagree with, so here is an opportunity to discuss the philosophical aspects of how we come to our positions. In the US Politics thread, A'Villan said that evidence does not amount to proof. Philosophically I have to agree, using inductive logic will never lead to proof. But at some point we could amount sufficient evidence as to holding a certain position as true or false [insert conspiracy theory de jour, here]. For me the only logical position is to be agnostic (philosophically) and carefully move forwards being prepared to admit that I am wrong. To be fair that only rarely happens. But this thread is generally for philosophical aspects of any position we may hold. Have fun.
  10. Because she represents the hundreds of thousands who voted for her. Then there are the the millions of voters who voted for the Republicans who are supporting her today. She is not an isolated loon. Here's a question: would you have voted against her had she been your Republican candidate?
  11. The thing that I am not sure about is: was this a good investment for for those that came to Gamestop's defence? If (a big if) the company's financial structure is unsound then what are the repercussions for those that bought stock at higher prices? I stress I would not recognize Gamestop even if I tripped over it. Some hedge fund thinks a company is overvalued and bets against it. In practice I would sell the stock if I owned it.
  12. My thoughts as I recall: 1) I missed the first seventeen minutes 2) I don't get the downer on Troare ... he looked OK certainly was not the "worst" player on the pitch. Tracked back. Certainly was not quick tracking back and that brings me me to the next point. 3) As a team we looked tired ... overall we were not quick to track back. Soton's wide runners were fast and we were slow to pick them up. 4) I am not sure of Dean's reticence to use subs ... would love to have a quiet pint with him to understand better his philosophy.
  13. You are right the fascist, nazi, racist tropes are thrown around far too often. But your posts do smear for themselves though.
  14. Picking one's favourites does not sound brilliant to me. My point is Dean's job is to bring on the whole team, ideally in lock step. Also picking the "strongest" eleven does not always make sense. El Ghazi would never be considered in that eleven if circumstance had not forced the issue. So some squad rotation makes sense ... at least to me. Especially if we have the players to make it work.
  15. I think that strategy works if you are playing to win one game. It may not be so good if we want to win as many games as possible.
  16. Here's a question or two ... is El Ghazi improving? Can he continue to improve?
  17. I just looked at the nq website. Interesting ... I've looked at the Hellyer site before in a past life. Being more on the extractive metallurgy side of things the Barnes project looks interesting, but very early days, a bit small and just starting the environmental process. But nickel and associated metals are interesting. nq ... definitely a junior ... with the attendant risks. So long as this is play money for you.
  18. I recall seeing an Economist article probably twenty years ago now, showing that the mining industry had lost some 40% of shareholder value (as a whole) during the 1900s. To open a new mine these days you need to be a) lucky, b) an optimist and c) almost bloody mad. OK c) is bit of an exaggeration. I have been in the mining industry some 40 years ... my advice is buy low, sell high ... blue chip mining companies. When the economy crashes and prices go down ... buy, you may be out of a job and need every penny, but that is time to buy. I suspect 'now' is high. If we look at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, we can see crashes have been cyclical.
  19. And the inevitable "Up the Villa, Tone" from the callers.
  20. I had left the country by then ...But according to Wiki it was in part for a bit of aggro with Savin, but according to Wiki he remained friends with Savin and it was more about management issues with BRMB
  21. The question for is what made you be wrong? The little I have watched Mings he routinely beats people in the air.
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