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Everything posted by fruitvilla

  1. It's the punters not the bookies that ultimately set the odds. Bookies do the math and take their cut.
  2. Fancied a bit of alliteration. Are we going to see a: A rested, rusty or recovering Villa Hoping for a ripping Villa myself.
  3. There was somebody recently cut off someone's head on a Greyhound bus here in Canada. Served his sentence, was put back on his meds, I am presuming there is a protocol to keep him on his meds, and I believe he is back in the community. That is the difference between a civilized response to horrific events and the Trump administration playing to the deplorable elements in his base.
  4. Theatre for the the USA. Macabre theatre.
  5. I suppose compared to the UK ... there is a huge switch in the US administration versus the UK civil service
  6. Normally this is OK ... eg Obama did not suddenly become unfit and improper ... even Dubya, at least by current standards.
  7. This I think is true. If some General (or group of officers) refuse to carry out a legal order that has not yet been deemed to be bat shit crazy, then the military will go through the motions and do their thing. The general population who are not bat shit crazy will laud them.
  8. This I think is nuanced look at the problem. The Republicans have to balance their short term issues ie its complete swing to the Alt Right with longer term Republican values. Having said that getting politicians to focus on the longer term ... good luck.
  9. Have to? That might be what they have been trained to do, conditioned to do. I do understand a thinking soldier is not always desirable.
  10. So if today a responsible general somewhere received a command from Trump to Nuke Tehran, 9 to 15 million people, the general will just say yes sir, get those with proximate responsibilities to do the deed? Just like that? I sincerely hope not.
  11. Don't be stupid, that is way over the top. It would be a drone attack on Nicola. Nukes might damage Trump's golf courses.
  12. So there is no record of the conversation itself ... Without personalities involved ... In say a hypothetical situation if there is an unhinged president, is asking about what safeguards are in place, mutiny? Also I gather, I was following orders is not a really good defense these days.
  13. So the answer is no ... from the military times However, Col. Dave Butler, spokesman for Army Gen. Mark Milley, said only of the call between the two leaders that “he answered her questions regarding the process of nuclear command authority.”
  14. Is there a record of the conversation?
  15. Just curious ... is this banter or are you serious?
  16. Here's a little something I wrote about a year ago about Villa I've posted it before but you might enjoy it.
  17. I don't get a sense it is just banter. Take the Which Premier League Team Do You Hate the Most? thread.
  18. Well there is that. I went to school in Bordesley Green ... I was the only Villa supporter that I know of. Went past St Andrews most school days. Take my interaction with Giro ... do you get the sense it is just banter?
  19. I never said that. I simply tried to suggest don't revel in someone else's misery. Pretty much every year teams go down and come up. I have my preferences as no doubt you do. West Brom look like they are going down. It appears to be your preference. Fair enough. Villa escaped going down last year by a smidgen. I can only imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth from Villa fans if that happened. Would Villa fans have deserved the disparagement from West Brom fans? Well apparently yes (if you had your way) because they are no different from Baggies fans.
  20. So you want to be just like them? ... Fair enough.
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