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Everything posted by CosmicVillan

  1. It's dropped a bit chilly this week so that's Wolves done for
  2. Interview up on the official site https://www.avfc.co.uk/News/2017/11/28/the-big-interview-dr-tony-xia Surely it should say "strode" ? " Dr Tony Xia strided into the Chairman’s Office where I was waiting for an exclusive interview with him."
  3. Lets have a cameo for Super Jack and O'Hare..give them something new to think about
  4. Fair tackle in my day but these days..yeah you are asking for it
  5. Wolves would have to go on a horrendous run to be catchable , I just can't see it as they are there on merit. I do believe 2nd is within our grasp though and I don't think we've even played to our full potential yet this season except for handful of games. All this without our top scorer. It's looking far more positive than it's done for years.
  6. I use to sit by some nasty old bloke who was the same about Sid Cowans every match
  7. Richards has a property business, no doubt being bankrolled by AVFC at the moment
  8. Newcastle midfielder Mohamed Diame is believed to want a reunion with Steve Bruce in January...any takers ?
  9. He should do , he played for Sir Alex for almost a decade and scored 19 goals in the the 90-91 season !
  10. No wonder he's forgotten what flee flowing attacking football looks like
  11. No, I was straight back up the bar
  12. The love child of Carlton Palmer and Emile Heskey ?
  13. Elmo did it to him time after time, if I was playing Sunday league and someone did that to me I'd be asking what their problem was...he showed down the wing at least a dozen times , and Elmo just cut in and tried a pass to Davies who lost it..time after time. Felt sorry for the kid
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