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Everything posted by Jas10

  1. Hopefully Spurs sign Zaha and forget about Grealish now too, what a day!
  2. I admire your positivity at least ?
  3. Again, hope you are totally right. But what makes you say that? Any basis for that or just a feeling? Only way I can see us having a good season is if we can hold onto Jack. Just imagine a whole season with him firing on all cylinders, will lift the other players too.
  4. Well I hope you are right mate and I am proved wrong ? I’m just fed up with how much of a mess we are & have been...
  5. Btw, I wouldn’t place much trust in “this club” to make good decisions and judge players appropriately. We have made so many blunders over the years, it’s a joke. We need so much change...
  6. Appreciate the response. But, again, why are we so poorly run and hand this guy a 5 year contract? He’s not been good enough imo but I do wish him the best, would love to be surprised but he has had opportunities and failed to deliver adequately.
  7. Back on topic, the player/person aside, why the hell would anyone in their right mind spend 5 mil on a completely unproven player/youngster with no real reputation or pedigree? Such a stupid signing. He could turn out to be a decent player (in the future, somewhere else) but that’s not really the point here. Ok, maybe he could be integrated into the u23s and developed? But when you waste so much money on such a player...it really is ludicrous. Why have we been so utterly thick and idiotic in our transfer “strategies” over the years? Richards, my word, one of the worst signings in history. McCormack....
  8. Not being funny, but my genuine question is simply: Why? Has shown nothing in previous years, what do you base this notion on? Lacking in the required quality, I’m afraid.
  9. If we somehow manage to keep him, along with some semblance of a decent side, just watch him go this season ? Forget the past, he is constantly improving and is by far the best player in the league (easily the most talented and skilful). No longer a precocious young talent, he is maturing and developing into quite some player. A rare, rare talent... More goals and assists will certainly come too...
  10. Im with you. Way more talented imo, v different players though.
  11. Speaking of Snoddy, I doubt he will get much of a look in under Pellegrini at West Ham. He might be available again, another loan perhaps? Not that we could afford him...? Would much rather have a young, vibrant team (preferably built around Jack) but, yeah I know, I’m dreaming ?
  12. Apparently he was injured toward the end of the Walsall game, nothing serious I hope...
  13. Was sent on loan to Royal Antwerp, could’ve been better for us than Elmo (who I’m not a fan of).
  14. Can’t we just sell the whole “first team” & fringe players, at least try and strengthen at CB if poss and chuck the kids in around Jack? Oh and also get him to sign a new 5 year contract? ?
  15. Just a list of the players that I personally would like to see gone. Some of them may attract attention due to their reputations before they came here. E.g. Taylor had a few years in the PL with Swansea, Jedinak will have attracted some attention at the WC (good reputation too, leadership skills), Elmohamaday is an experienced international etc. etc. Certain clubs may want to nab such players at low cost.
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