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Everything posted by Jas10

  1. I think we’ll make an attempt for a player or two who fit that criteria… whether they join or not is a different matter. Much more difficult to convince that calibre of player to sign… I think we’re setting our sights high and taking a quality not quantity approach.
  2. “We are trying as well to be intelligent and smart in the last days of the transfer window if we need something more. And if someone is leaving as well."
  3. Interesting… could see him playing in a number of positions. Would be nice for him to play well enough to cement one… what’s his best role?
  4. Really looking forward to seeing him in action, hope he can be a superstar for us…
  5. Or don’t get them at all Which is what I will be doing…
  6. It’s a joke… charging people so much for this absolute crap…
  7. Hoping it’s nonsense.. Can someone enlighten me about the Spanish sports media? Worse than here? Make up BS and drama?
  8. Only just found out about his car crash… a young woman in the same car died… How did he get away with this? A 500k settlement.. American sportsman did something similar and is still in prison I think… He’s 32 Is this more Spanish media bullshit? Only just finding out about that now too… Have to say, none of the LB links have been all that inspiring… would rather keep Digne for now and review this later… Identify a younger, more promising player with high potential and quality…
  9. To borrow a line from Emi, “I just create chaos…”
  10. It’ll look like one of our previous third kits after a couple of minutes running around
  11. We’re just giving our opinions rather than going mental but yeah, as you say, the biggest problem is that the players look drenched and uncomfortable. You can see the shirts sticking to their bodies… According to Bardell, they generate a lot of heat very quickly,.. Not good at all… The branding on “sports gear” often throw out phrases along the lines of enhancing performance, cooling effect etc. These shirts are nothing of the sort…
  12. Considering what they charge for this stuff too… it’s a bit of a disgrace and piss take… Should at least be high quality for those prices! More importantly, should be comfortable and well designed for the players.
  13. Or as the Irish call it… Turd kit
  14. Hope Heck sorts this out.. watched his video about rebranding the 76ers and he kept on emphasising quality and keeping in touch with history… We need a similar approach. The kits we have this season are far from “quality”… home shirt looks genuinely uncomfortable and poorly designed (as well as that ugly bus seat design). I’d rather we wear the training gear!! That claret top is actually decent! We’re back in Europe but wearing the worst kits since we got promoted N f’d up the badge situation with a lion that doesn’t know which way it’s going
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