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Everything posted by Mjvilla

  1. Just watched it after reading this. Unbelievable goal and he makes it look so natural and easy. Sign of someone who has potential to be one of the greats.
  2. I think he could well do this but, it would make him even sillier. He's talked up all the attacking wide talent, so to then do away with that position by going three centre backs would suggest he's losing it entirely!
  3. I'd suggest it's a high percentage under this umbrella and is exactly why we haven't bought in as many players as we'd have liked yet. All completely guesswork of course, but the very quick and multiple leaks of links to other strikers is, to me, an attempt to hurry along our main targets. We shall see. Good things come to those who wait.
  4. Slightly odd situation where I wake up and, when I refresh the page, I actually go backwards 10 pages. Glad all that overnight silliness has finished, was entertaining for my night shift however. I think I'm in a similar place I was with Wilson when I think about king. A good buy providing he's not our only CF purchase. If anything, King makes more sense because he is potentially more versatile? I also think that these journalists don't have a clue. Even Percy to a degree.
  5. Just tidied up the ignore list and feel much happier already.
  6. There's delusional arrogance and then there's this...
  7. So, I refer you to my post regarding having many holes to fill (KW GIF) and reaching our FFP limit. Not sure what else to say now if you still don't get it.
  8. You think we were in a position of strength last summer, enough to do a good deal for maupay? Every tom, dick and Harry knew we needed players and lots of them last summer. It was probably our weakest time to buy players.
  9. Very true. Can't disagree with that. However, following the last 2 years since Dean took over, they have given me no reason (from board level through to management) to not trust them. They seem like they know what they are doing. The distance we have travelled in that time period from a struggling championship club to a surviving premier league club has been immense. I think we can trust them here. They've earnt that.
  10. Have they? This point has been done to death too.
  11. Good player. But signing someone who wouldn't be available for the first few months of the season wouldn't appease the worries in here, I fear.
  12. We spent to our FFP limit last summer and still had gaping holes in the squad. Bringing in these 2 would've meant less players in and wider gaps in the squad. I'm pretty sure you know that though.
  13. Would you be happy with bringing in players of a similar quality as last summer if it meant more gusto or wait for our number 1 targets if it means we don't get them till towards the end of the window? I know which id prefer.
  14. Shows in front of a watching nation though, that Southgate is unwilling to select the man with the most assists and chances created in the England squad in a game where we are desperate for assists and to create chances. Showing Southgate up for the fraudster he is
  15. Looks an utter delight. I'm going to quote it on each page of this thread to remind people of its beauty.
  16. It's a gamble definitely. If they don't go up next year, they'll have players who's value will be less as contracts are a year closer to expiring. Also, players who will probably push for a move to play premier league football. It's the correct gamble to take, I'd add.
  17. Neither of us know. It appears we have moved on to another target so that's reason enough for me to think that Martinez was unachievable for the correct price.
  18. @SeanVilla Well, we are working within a budget with many areas need improving. £18.5m on ramsdale was it? This is £10m cheaper. The idea being we would have £10m to spend elsewhere. We still get a hugely respected and experienced goalkeeper for the cheaper price. I don't think Martinez wanted to leave, either that or arsenal didn't want to sell.
  19. I think this is the key bit. Suggests to me that perhaps the hierarchy aren't confident, certainly not of reaching his levels this side of Christmas.
  20. In my opinion, where we want to be is near the top, right? But to go from near the bottom to near the top, you have to buy players to take you to the middle before you can buy players to take you to the top. That's where we are at now. There will Be complaints it's not exciting enough. But it's sensible. It will improve us. And allow us to build through the next 2/3 years and start building a squad to take us to the top. Then, include some very good youngsters we've been picking up in 2/3 years time and the plan is pretty clear to me...
  21. Im not sure on Harry Wilson. Swap him out for A.N. Other and looks solid. Definitely stronger than last year's alternatives.
  22. Percy has retweeted it so would suggest this may be correct.
  23. The guys that watch him week in/week out would disagree with you here. I'd tend to listen to them. They have a far greater knowledge of maupay/Watkins.
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