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Everything posted by Tommo_b

  1. I was looking st the games month by month and didn’t think any of the months were that bad.
  2. Wouldn’t mind getting the big teams out the way first
  3. Yep my mate sent it to me and then after I posted this told me he got it from a leak...ffs!
  4. Im hoping we spend £200m+! Why be shy and reserved? We are a big club and if we want to get back to being known by everyone else as a big club we have to act like one and spend like one. If we had poor owners I’d understand people’s reservations but we don’t, the club won’t go bust, these owners will want to get champions league football ASAP, I think they are in this for the long haul.
  5. Would be quite weird if you didn’t want him.... I’d take him, only because he would do a job and that’s what we will need this first season.
  6. Make this happen Villa! My man crush knows no bounds!
  7. My question is... is being good in the championship going to be enough in the premiership? Granted I like what I saw of Tomori, but there is probably a reason the lower end of the premier league clubs aren’t loaning these players...?
  8. Bloody knew Gollini was going to be a top keeper, frustrating!
  9. Do we think maybe we haven’t seen the best of him yet as it’s apparent from the fact he has had knee surgery that he must’ve been carrying an injury.
  10. Imagine this will be announced today, seems like they will have spend the weekend working on the media side of things.
  11. Was kinda hoping for some cryptic tweets again this summer ️
  12. Well we are never going to finish 1st if they are the teams around us! We need to be beating City, Liverpool and Chelsea I’m afraid.
  13. I think we might get 75% of a whole new team! Exciting times! No messing about this summer. Top 8 here we come!
  14. I wouldn’t worry too much about the money side of things, the owners will be very aware that heavy investment is needed to stay up, I would not be surprised if we spend a record amount for a promoted club this summer, as I think we will need to just to be able to compete. Plus we have 2 billionaire owners who I’m sure can give us directors loans if needs be.
  15. Tammy could do a job. I’d be hesitant if he is our main striker tho, I just don’t think he will be able to slip away from defenders as easily in the premier league and get those poachers goals, and that’s pretty much his forte. That said I think Kodjia could do a job up too alongside him with his direct running allowing Tammy to exploit the spaces when defended double up on Kodjia... then again maybe he will become the next Alan Shearer.
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