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Everything posted by Tommo_b

  1. Glad I don’t see life through your lense.
  2. Maybe we have signed our own Kante, Mahrez and Vardy this summer...
  3. You are missing the point of the comparison. If a relegation fodder team can win the premier league, then why can’t villa finish in a decent position, for all intents and purposes Leicester won the league because of team work and high morale, something I see in abundance at Villa in the last 6 months. So to re-iterate... not saying we will do Leicester and win the league, just that with team work and morale on your side a high position is certainly attainable.
  4. Why back up options? Why can’t Wesley become the back up option?
  5. Just a quick note on Brighton, I think they actually have the right squad for their new manager, Houghton signed a lot of talented attacking players but played a very defensive style, hence why they struggled so much last season. I think the teams to struggle will be Norwich, Sheffield, Newcastle, Burnley, and for some reason my gut thinks West Ham and Leicester will struggle too.
  6. It has been quite amazing hasn’t it, tho it all feels like a blur since securing a play off final spot, I’m not sure I’ve been able to savour or take it in yet.
  7. It was a freak season but they still did it, and it was done with team morale mostly.
  8. Strange views on this forum for sure, would you say our current team is stronger or weaker then the Leicester team that just avoided relegation and then went on to win the Premier League? Just out of curiosity? leao, never heard of him, sounds exciting but don’t know why we think he wouldn’t sign for us...
  9. Personally do not feel Green will ever cut it as a premiership player.
  10. What a midfield we would have if we get this guy and Luiz!
  11. Oh my god haha that’s brilliant! Moments like this is why I love the internet! There ARE no WORDS, what A goal BY Juan PABLO ANGELLL
  12. He kinda reminds me of a poor mans Jonathan Pearce.
  13. Kodjia has been tearing it up in the internationals this summer.
  14. http://www.wearebrighton.com/newsopinion/brighton-revealed-as-having-the-second-largest-debt-in-english-football/
  15. Also if the owners wanted too, could they not just do a directors loan much like what Tony Bloom did at Brighton? He basically lent the football club out of his own pocket until they could pay him back.
  16. How do we know how much our budget is?
  17. Wednesday has become like anti-transfer day.
  18. I think personally I’d join Valencia if I wasn’t a Villa fan.
  19. I think I preferred the mock ups.
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