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Everything posted by villarule123

  1. The scenario I play in my head is that the wife of a friend has come to me because he won't touch her because she's preggo but she's so horny (I hear pregnant women have these bouts of horn; devil fashion!) and she asks me for help. I'm only too happy to oblige. I'm honestly not sure if I could go through with it in real life mind! I wouldn't go near my missus when she was up the duff The idea of me poking my own child whilst doing the act put me off sex for 9 months. Maybe for the next nipper I'll send her your way?
  2. You can play it now. Even 2 weeks early, they still won't ban you.
  3. With their record over the past year they must be odds on to go down at the moment? I'd fecking love it if they did, about time they were brought down a level or two
  4. How much in fees do you normally have to pay when selling a house?
  5. Is there any back story behind this I don't know about? Haha
  6. She fancies you. Most humans do That medal's gone to your head. Imagine what you'd be like it it was gold Ohhhhhhhh knock-down Have a kiss Sorry I'm married
  7. Yeah the only downside is the combat. I didn't like it in Pokemon and I don't think I will in this.
  8. So he doesn't always carry a dildo around with him?
  9. She fancies you. Most humans do That medal's gone to your head. Imagine what you'd be like it it was gold Ohhhhhhhh knock-down
  10. She fancies you. Most humans do That medal's gone to your head.
  11. Yep, just took the dog for a walk, only downside to this weather is every **** is out. I don't like crowded groups of people. Which is why I prefer to take the dog out at night, when I have the pavement to myself. Anti-social bastard
  12. I sell them on Ebay when I'm done, so I don't lose much. The only games I keep are FIFA and GTA.
  13. This could be the most expensive gaming year ever for me, there's so much stuff coming out that I'll buy day one. Batman AK Uncharted 4 (maybe out this year) FIFA 15 Infamous SS Mass Effect trilogy PS4 (rumoured) GTA V PS4 (inevitable) Destiny - my most anticipated Drive club The Order Crash Bandicoot (rumoured) The Last of Us PS4 (inevitable) Trials Fusion Probably a few more than I've forgot.. Maybe Elder Scrolls online, my bank balance is going to take a hit!
  14. 'All we care about is BCFC' Worst protest flag ever. And they spent all their dole money on it too, fools!
  15. Who? I know he's on here somewhere
  16. Nope it's 0. £100m on top of a quality team and not a positive GD
  17. How the **** is that a red even if it wasn't a dive???
  18. I thought Rugeley might be CI undercover but he appears to know too much about sex for it to be him.
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