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Everything posted by TheStagMan

  1. He would of have a great song..... To the tune of "go west" Terry John, your names the wrong way round Terry John, your names the wrong way round Terry jooooooohn.
  2. Lets just make sure we don't let him take any penalties, or we might need to break these out again:
  3. Who's that bloke now.....ermmmm, Gareth something...
  4. I think you will find that was an analogy rather than syllogism..... Syllogism* running riot would be someone saying something like: "Steve Bruce has got teams promoted from the Championship", "Aston Villa are in the Championship", therefore "Steve Bruce will get Aston Villa promoted" Don't use big words if you don't know what they mean * Cue every VT reader googling what Syllogism means
  5. Its this 4 promotion things, therefore we will be OK that gets me. It seems like blind optimism that he will do it, when as others have posted above, he has not shown any signs of achieving it here. To me, it feels like hiring a builder to build you a house, you get someone who has built four houses before so you think it's all great. Six months in there are bricks everywhere, the foundations haven't been dug, the site caravan is upside down, the digger has been stolen and the workmen he hired are all in the corner having a fag. On top of that there is a chap from the council stood outside asking why you haven't got planning permission. what do you do? Sit and wait hoping he will build your house because he has built four houses before (two of which fell down) or do you get in another builder?
  6. I would suggest on the shoulders. Anywhere else would be weird.
  7. No, don't want Dunne back. Legs are shot. Who is this Bin Fella? Is it Liu Bin who currently plays for Beijing Enterprises in the China League One?
  8. And worryingly there is far less regulation of what is said/claimed on social media versus in the newspapers. Social media does tend to be far more left wing than the population as a whole. I think part of that is due to the fact that the "younger" generation (<50) tend to use it far more than the older generations (who as has been said, tend to rely more on newspapers (or TV)). I also agree with the statements made that people tend to move to the right more as they get older (a generalisation - I realise that there are plenty of individual examples that don't). Will be interesting to see in 20 years time if social media is more balanced as many of the users are now older and have moved right. There is also the problem of the "silent majority" on social media - in that if you post something that isn't "lefty" you will often get lots of abuse, meaning that many people will go along with the pack mentality and then vote the way they actually feel when they are alone in the ballot box. If you use social media (even this forum) as a barometer of public mood then Mr Corbyn would have won an overwhelming landslide. Will come back in 2037 to continue this conversation and see how it pans out....
  9. I think they mean Bradley William Fewster....... Just cant get the staff nowadays!
  10. given that level of analysis, the rainbow is more likely to mean that the player is a supporter of gay rights on days it isn't raining
  11. and if i remember correctly he tripped over the ball seconds after that photo was taken.
  12. 48 I think Diane Abbott has been helping me with my maths.
  13. We've tried, we really have :-) OK, so a different question. Bruce has had 30+ games in charge of Aston Villa, he has had a good 10 of those under no pressure (not going to get relegated and not going to get playoffs). There has not been any testing of the younger players (bar a couple of cameos), there has not been a development of formations or tactics. Bruce has said he knows the problems, but has not shown any evidence of being able to fix them (or even trying to do so). Serious question: I would like to know what is going to magically change in the summer and what is going to happen in a handful of pre-season games against Walsall and Kiddiminster Harriers that is going to turn the dross performances we have seen into a slick, oiled machine? Yes, we will likely get in a couple of players, but if history is anything to go on we will immediately destroy any form they had before coming to us.
  14. I am not a fan of Bruce, but I am not sure that starting again would work either, although if we were to pull the trigger, now is the time (which seems unlikely) - not 10 games into the season.. I know we were a shambles when he took over but we have massively underachieved under him. 13th in the Championship after the highest net spend ever is abysmal. . Yes, at the start of the season there was a renewed sense of optimism and bounce at the club with Xia and RDM coming in, but that quickly evaporated under a very poor run of results, and yes we then reverted to our downward spiral. Bruce did come in and rectify that to an extent, but disastrous decision making to the issue of Kodjia being unavailable (pinning our hopes on Gabby FFS) did for us. And it was an issue he knew was coming from the day he arrived. Whilst we had a great run of wins, there was never a feeling of the wins being convincing - and I don't mean the general Villa feeling of "we're gonna **** this up", each game was a rollercoaster ride that any minute you felt the wheels would come off. At no point in any of those games did I think - "yes, I can see the tactics", "yes, we have this under control" etc... and that was borne out in the following results. Overall we did not seem able to change up in games (i recall one or two where the subs made a bit of a difference, but mostly they did not), and I still don't know what our best team is - but more worryingly the players don't seem to know either, nor do they seem to understand what their team mates are going to do. I'm not after sexy football, I am after wins - we need to get out of this league, but you can have agricultural football that is effective and reliable - we dont have that and seem to be relying on luck. We need to attack more and we need to score more goals. We have the most expensively assembled Championship squad in history.......we need to make it effective I genuinely feel that we have won the games we have won and avoided losing the ones we have drawn because we have individually better players than most teams in the league, and there is just enough there to keep us around mid table on skill and experience alone. That wont last - It needs to be knitted together by a manager that has a plan and direction so that everyone knows what each other is doing, and what is expected of them. At this point, I am not convinced that Bruce is that man. I would so love to be proven wrong, I really would, but I have not seen anything from Villa this season that makes me think that the blind optimism being shown towards him is warranted and based on anything more than he has achieved 4 promotions in the last 20 years - by that measurement we may get back to the premier league in 5 years time (maybe 4 if we count last season).
  15. Don't be silly, it will be much bigger than that - 30ft will just be the size of the statue's penis!
  16. Sorry mate, but the payment for that is much higher than £10 ;-)
  17. Agree with all except: Adomah and Amavi - I would keep Adomah and push Amavi up the field and play him as a winger, unless we can get two better wingers. Gil, if we could convince him not to leave AND play a system that suits him. Hogan should come good if we can play a system that suits his strengths (and is likely the same system as for Gil). I think McCormack is toast here though. GateGate ended him in Steve's eyes, and he hasn't really pulled up any trees since...... So i think we also need a striker. I had completely forgotten that Micah Richards was still around. What a disaster he turned out to be. As above - shooting him would be fine by me*. * Please note: I do not condone the shooting of football players. Even obnoxious over-paid wasters that have taken the piss for years undeservedly stealing a living from the club. Apart from Gabby. You can shoot Gabby
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