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Everything posted by Tom13

  1. I really like the look of our squad. Only complaint is that it's a bit bloated. We have 3 left backs, 6 centre backs (counting Richards) and Gabby.
  2. Commitment isn't the issue. He just needs to be a bit more intelligent with the ball sometimes.
  3. Tom13

    Adama Traore

    He actually comes across really well IMO.
  4. Jeez. Never rated him, just my opinion.
  5. I think it's exciting to have a young keeper with seemingly lots of potential. I'd rather we gave him game time tbh and let him improve. Both of these kicks could have easily not have ended up as goals conceded and no-one would be discussing this. It's not as if either of them were absolute howlers.
  6. Not if he grows in confidence every game, going on to have a fantastic season and becoming a hot young property. We've always got Bunn who is fine for this level.
  7. Whatever you say, surely our unbelievable bad luck has to end at some point this season.
  8. Yesterday was barely a mistake IMO. Just severe bad luck.
  9. Watching the tribute back has made me feel unbelievably emotional. Sad and nostalgic feelings through the roof RIP Dalian. Thanks for the memories.
  10. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3741176/Man-38-dies-police-shoot-Taser-Telford.html
  11. From his Father: "He was in a real state. “I don’t know if he was drunk or on drugs but he was very agitated and his mind was upset. "The last thing he said to me was ‘don’t move’ when the police came to the door. “He was threatening and very upset. I didn’t call the police but someone else did. 'He got tasered in the street outside in the road. I didn't see him but I saw a flash. I haven't had any sleep and cannot take it in. The police are dealing with this now.'
  12. What a 2nd leg that was.
  13. Very sad Can't quite believe it tbf. My first pets (goldfish) were named Saunders and Atkinson.
  14. Tom13

    Joe Bennett

    Fair point. Let's hope RDM can make solid decisions from now on!
  15. He got 5 assists in 25 games, which in possibly the worst PL side ever is pretty decent.
  16. Tom13

    Joe Bennett

    Give Tony a break, he's still learning about our squad and what level we're at. If he thinks something may benefit us but may upset a few in the process, I'd rather he does it. This is if Bennett's happy to stay.
  17. Tom13

    Joe Bennett

    Amavi and Bennett for LB options, please get rid of Cissokho ASAP.
  18. He's a good player. Partner him with a destroyer and he'd be good. Way better than Gardner and Westwood anyway. He can actually keep the ball in tight situations.
  19. What's happened with his Twitter btw? Nothing showing on there.
  20. He didn't think it was coming to him until Bunn's touch flicked it to him, so he was just caught completely flat footed and then tried to react but it was too late. Laziest defending I've ever seen.
  21. Get him playing directly behind McCormack and see what he can do. Massive talent, needs someone confident making half-intelligent runs for him to get assists. Get a destroyer (Jedinak?) in, and play 4-2-3-1 with Grealish at 10. Adama on the right and then Green or the hugely frustrating Ayew on the left.
  22. Tom13


    I think if we can get our CMs playing competently, a 4-3-3 will be the way to go. Grealish, Ayew, McCormack, Green and Adama can be devastating in the front 3 positions. Or maybe even use Grealish as the creative one of the 3 in the middle, not sure, but I do think he can be our most important player this season.
  23. That's sad, I really like him. Guess if he wants to go we can't really stop him.
  24. I think he'll be absolutely fine this season. Looked good on the ball to me.
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