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Everything posted by Tom13

  1. Gonna be another long night. Every game we play I think we'll come out and get it right...shame it never happens.
  2. Tom13

    Kortney Hause

    Really? Surely he would have played more of a part by now. He'll be back to Wolves in the summer.
  3. I personally think Adomah is still our best winger (not saying a lot, I know). Hope Green can make it but far from convinced yet.
  4. Green was awful in fairness, fair play for winning that header though.
  5. He's had loads of games like this since joining us where his passing constantly puts us in trouble. Hope fans lay off Whelan now as he was excellent last night.
  6. Tom13

    Tom Carroll

    Always been a fan of Carroll (at least on the ball) but admit I've not seen him play enough to make a full judgement. Hopefully he can make an impact for us.
  7. Not convinced by this. He'll have been scouted more than enough. What he does rest of this season won't have too much of an influence I wouldn't have thought? Anyway, just need him back!
  8. This really doesn't surprise me, I always thought he looked a good player at Villa, even though everyone disagreed with me.
  9. I don't. When he's on it he puts a shift in.
  10. I couldn't believe he was 28 when I looked the other day.
  11. It's laughable that he came on ahead of Kodjia, not just because of lack of match fitness, but because Kodjia is 5x the player he'll ever be. Jimmy could be off in January and tbh I can't blame him. He should be starting for someone.
  12. So why is he always tired then? Or is it just looking after 4 kids?
  13. No. He said his favourite position is on the left of a front-three.
  14. Not a Hogan fan in the slightest, would always pick Kodjia and Abraham over him.
  15. I think he's just a crazy character tbh...I read that when he was at Bristol C they had to put a sleep monitor on him as he was up on his phone until 3-4am on Facebook then getting to training for 7 That's what I love about him though. He's passionate, he's entertaining, you can tell he loves football. His game isn't perfect but when he's on it I love to watch him. Really want him to succeed at Villa.
  16. He did actually remind me of Ozil a while back...as in he'd be a luxury who would only shine in a team that dominates the ball. But yeah...his tenacious performances last season disspelled that for me. No doubt though that he's been a big disappointment this season. Has to deliver now, and I believe he will.
  17. He'll be back...starting this Saturday. Calling it now...hat-trick ?
  18. I think he's off. He didn't look himself at all (body language wise) last night.
  19. I know that. I just love hearing his love for the club so wanted to know what he'd said
  20. I heard that at the Kiddy game, he said he wants to stay...is that true?
  21. Worst player on the pitch so far today though
  22. He's so far given away a simple pass and missed a sitter. The frustrating side of him.
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