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Everything posted by VillaJ100

  1. They'll probably get in the playoffs but I can see Huddersfield, Rotherham and Wrexham being likely stronger. I'd prefer em to have a dismal year and finish 17th behind Lincoln to give a good platform for further relegation. I'm more interested in their finances. They are already losing over 20mil a year. Any sponsorships etc they sign will have to reflect they're a league one team. TV and prize money etc has to drop? Although I doubt hugely from the championship.
  2. It's because they always do the right thing. It took a lot for us to be relegated, no investment for years (remember everyone excited at potentially signing Houlihan for £1 million), and god awful ownership and direction at CEO level, terrible recruitment of management staff, using the club as a proving ground for new managers. The academy seemed to dry up between 2008-2014 bar Grealish who was too young, keeping poisonous, useless freeloaders like Gabby around for way too long. And it took years of this to come to a head. Eventually it took selling the whole spine of the team, Vlaar Delph Benteke and replacing them with League One standard players or French youngsters who couldn't integrate that got us relegated. Everton always seem to keep their players as much as possible to limit disruption, make largely logical management recruitments, and get a bit of luck. If they sold DCL, Pickford and Onana and gave Zola the job they'd be in the same boat as we were.
  3. They only had £19 mil income (and 45 mil outgoings) in the championship. Surely they are going to have to revise down to £2.75 billion stadium now with only League One receipts?
  4. Fat Baz, JLR night shift, town drinkers, £3 billion stadium builders, Tom Ross, Tom Brady, Paul Tithead Tait, Barry Fry, Jasper Carrott, "Solihull Moors" fans, UB40, Tom -87% of the portfolio lost Wagner, your boys took a hell of a beating Mate
  5. They wouldn't get out of the league two playoffs with this performance
  6. Norwich looks like playing a pre season friendly, disgraceful
  7. The absolute complete absence of pressing the Norwich back line is fascinating
  8. If not for that dumb penalty we'd have bashed them about 5-2 I think. As it is it totally killed the game. The crowd didn't help they were totally stunned for 20+ mins after
  9. As a minimum the amount should have gone up with inflation.
  10. Fking battered by 4th in the Greek league. Terrible. I don't think it's over though. If Emi tielemans and Pau are back there's half a chance with an early goal. Also not having such an inept crooked ref will help but in Greece it'll be even worse.
  11. What that sort of one in a million deflection it's God I'd say
  12. I'd be like listen we've played like a national league side for 50 of the 60 mins but in the other 10 mins we've scored twice. Just bloody sort it and can easy get another two goals
  13. Also on BBC 'Will Villa prioritise the cup over the league' Being as we're already guaranteed Europa next season which is the Conference top prize I think we're better off not going full tilt for it
  14. Might be the second, they are probably already exploiting everything to the n'th degree and have most of PGMOL absolutely tragic for them and are still largely terrible
  15. Not since 2017, these peasants could be in National League North if wasn't for him. Take the chance at redemption Wagner!
  16. In their defence I think a substantial amount of a player's value is the cost to honour their contract. So if someone has 3 years to go at 200k a week that's 31+ million right off the bat.
  17. I think they've took them from transfermrket which is always out a bit. They give Man U squad value as 734 mil Vs ours at 644
  18. I saw earlier 'betting on Jackson under 2 shots on target is an infinite money cheat'
  19. I just walked head down very quickly through the perimeters of town and I overheard that Mo and Ian have heard about this thread and want us all to know they aren't having it.
  20. Chelsea have had their day out vs. us and revert to being completely hopeless I'm guessing
  21. TBF the trefoil as well might be nice to go with our myriad of badges we seem to have
  22. This is the problem. They will want the 'big' teams to be playing some no hopers, but it wouldn't look good if you have Man U being bashed by Fulham. It feels like it's only a couple of steps away from having some Washington Generals style patsys who are there to lose
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