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Everything posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. Maybe the deal from Spam was that they it was a now or never offer? They’d want him in asap or move onto other targets. We wanted the money so we accepted their haste?
  2. I loved JPA but he wasn't the all rounder that Benteke was at his peak. The range of goalscoring abilities meant that defenders had no idea how to handle him: I'd love to have that sort of player who strikes fear into teams. Of course, it might be that the league wasn't ready for JPA -- too many cloggers back when he arrived, perhaps -- but I don't think he put the fear of God into defenders in the same way as Benteke (barring that half of the killer season when JPA scored that gorgeous goal at VP in the cup). I do wonder if these all rounder strikers have had their day, though? Like, did ticatakka kill the striker?
  3. Then you start giving them a separate training regime, then they moan to the assistant manager, then you take them off it. Ahhh, the FM training dance.
  4. Wide player will be next: will give Emery the flexibility to play Watkins or Duran centrally + either Bailey and A.N. Other either side, or just the one behind the main striker in case we want to pack the midfield. If Nakamba or Sanson leaves, another central midfielder (Guendouzi?) will be coming in. All of this gives us way more flexibility in the way we approach games; gives Ollie a shot in the arm by playing him centrally, rather than wide (at least for a bit); and gets a big chunk of wages off the books with Ings's departure. It rebalances the side following the 'let's replace Jack with three blokes' fiasco and the 'wingers, we don't need wingers' approach pioneered by the footballing genius that was Stevie G. Is it a risk? Is it sensible? The answer to both of those questions can be 'yes'.
  5. Emery to Lange when the offer came in: 'Trouser it mate'
  6. This is one of those moments when we need to take a half decent offer it is forthcoming. £20m and he should go. No doubt at all that Emery and Lange will have a replacement lined up. I like him, but he doesn’t fit. We had this situation with AEG. We should have let him go when his stock was still moderately high. It’s clear that Ings doesn’t fit into Emery’s system, that he man may want to leave (he was seriously pissed off with the booing at VP) and that he rightly has a reputation for being able to score in this league. His transfer was a bit of a rush form the outset, so getting anywhere near what we signed him for would be incredible. Don’t take this chance (if it’s real) and we’ll be paying his massive wages until his contract ticks down.
  7. That Konstantelias fella reminds me of Jack. Might be the black and white stripes conjure images of Jack on loan at Notts County.
  8. I went away for a few days and when I came back on here everyone was talking about tier 1 and tier 2…
  9. I think there will be outgoings before a winger or midfielder comes in. Classic ‘can’t stockpile players’* thing. * Chelsea says ‘hi’.
  10. I watched the match last night and thought how much we’d benefit from a Beneteke type player. Someone who could lead the line when needed, bring our pacy wide players into the game, but could also bully defenders to take the pressure off his team mates. The fact is we need more of a goal threat, too. Leeds played a compact midfield unit yesterday that stifled our creativity. Having a striker who would bully defenders would have forced their defensive midfielders to go back and help, creating space for players like Buendia etc. At his best, Watkins can offer something of a nuisance and have the same impact, but I think the team would gain so much confidence by having someone like Season 1 Benteke up there.
  11. I love the spirit of these boys. Wish we had a finisher who plays to the team’s strengths
  12. Agreed. Need that wisdom to put his foot on the ball and control it
  13. Koch coming out. I can see the headlines: ‘Leeds manager has had enough Koch’ etc etc
  14. I want to cut him some slack. Ran his balls off, doesn’t want to give away the pen, stays close and then loses his man. There are a lot of variables there
  15. There’s no need to play at their tempo. We’re getting sucked in. Control the ball, make them run, give each other options for the pass and break their press
  16. We’ve got more than them. Need to resist their press, get behind their midfield line and happy days: their defence is still sh+t. 3-1 villa
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