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Lichfield Dean

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Everything posted by Lichfield Dean

  1. That's right though isn't it? It's an "as it stands" table and Liverpool are currently playing
  2. I hope these guys are aware what awaits them next year. They are not a pub band any more. Talk about being catapulted into the limelight, they have suddenly made an album that has appeared on an awful lot of "best of" rock albums of the year. Wish i'd heard of them before and managed to catch them live in a pub somewhere.
  3. Good stuff. Didn't like how poor we became once the final round of subs were made, I think it wasn't really necessary, but overall a comfortable performance and result. Zaniolo I thought was good, diaby poor. Decent first start for Marschall, a couple of shaky moments but other than that did well I thought. Didn't think the goal was his fault at all.
  4. I get playing a weakened team, I get taking it easy, all that is fine. But the subs we have brought on are just a step too far imo. We didn't need to be struggling like this in the last few minutes.
  5. Apart from these two blunders I've thought he's looked excellent with the ball. I think it's just inexperience coupled with Chambers being on the pitch.
  6. Amazing by Mcginn. Especially when you see that the pitch gave way on him twice during that move.
  7. Jesus ref, that was a penalty! And if not, a corner! And they get a goal kick?
  8. Apart maybe from that one time they decided to profiteer on the back of the worst catastrophe to hit the world in a generation.
  9. We scored an absolutely sublime team goal, prime Barcelona-esque, against one of the title favourites. We then dug in and defended resolutely, whilst also playing some superb attacking football and manufacturing plenty of other chances. Yes, we weren't quite at our best, but honestly I thought it was a very good professional performance with flashes of excellence. We didn't dominate, and they had their chances too, but they didn't take them. A perfectly fair and well-earned victory. Oh, and I really dislike Saka and his play-acting.
  10. Kirk caused the extinction of the humpback whales by rescuing them in ST IV!!!!
  11. Yeah, they didn't have quite so many beers on tonight either. I was hoping for a Voodoo People but it never seemed to emerge from behind the scenes despite suggestions that it would. Having said that, still had a great night there. They played some Ghost so I was happy
  12. Just been to Leviathan brewery in Sutton. Had a great time but it was sadly quiet. I've been there and had great times before when it's been bustling but tonight was extremely quiet. Shame, it's the only place in Sutton like it. A brewery with a tap room that plays rock music, it's great. I guess being on an industrial estate means they don't get any passing trade.
  13. Brilliant album. Kind of like Ghost if Tobias Forge was a druid.
  14. Can I vote for him as Prime Minister please?
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