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Everything posted by MrSmirch

  1. Fair enough, I think we’ll see major improvement when we’re back at full strength.
  2. You’re right let’s get a manager who’s no nonsense, a record of getting teams out the division and a head like a **** potatoe. Oh wait! We tried that and ended up nearly being liquidated didn’t we? This is bad but have a bit of faith, the early performances we saw could become regular with time, new additions and lots of people being shipped out.
  3. Bunch of cowardly, old, complacent rocket polishers. Will take Smith a couple of years but I think he can do it.
  4. You could give a chimp £100 million and they’d assemble a better squad than this. ****.
  5. That’s a pretty disgraceful result. Squad is pure dog shit.
  6. Johnny Evans and Papiss Cisse. It was downhill after the water sports.
  7. Tammy Abraham, hang your head. Same for the officials.
  8. Really good chance for the young players to show they can do it agiainst teams at this level
  9. Gonna have to see my GP because I’ve had a hard on for the last 90 minutes
  10. Anyone who “olé’s” in the first half, away while 1 up should be shot
  11. It’s a nice change being able to say that unironically.
  12. He came across like a right spanner from what I watched of the Amazon documentary. they're losing a game at half time and he comes into the changing room riled up shouting about how they’re not getting “the basics of football” right. Fabian, you’re playing at the top end of European football under one of the greatest managers, you need to appreciate you’re in the squad because you fill a home grown slot and can fill in adequately in a couple of positions, leave the tactical analysis for others.
  13. 20th, -18 gd, Liverpool tomorrow, Chelsea and united soon after that. Already lost to Huddersfield, Bournemouth, Palace and CARDIFF. Oh dear oh dear. Still... lovely ground isn’t it.
  14. That was dreadful. Cross, cross, cross, cross, cross, cross. Soft as shit in midfield. The **** state of this squad... Taylor and Hutton our full backs, Whelan... A five year old on football manager could assemble a better first XI
  15. Literally no amount of kebabs can fix this situation.
  16. What a reaction this has been! We haven’t conceded yet
  17. Jedinak, Taylor, Hutton, Elmo, Adomah. Dead **** weight
  18. TV game, big defeat, “sacked in the morning.”
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