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Everything posted by LancsVillan

  1. another landslide vote so far, will have to put in some controversial pairings further forwards ;-)
  2. thought this might have been closer - and wait til the Aussies wake up!
  3. be an imbalanced team then Rob ;-)
  4. well I would have put it back to 81 but Rimmer would have won it hands down and you only get so many options ;-)
  5. Hmm let's dispel a couple of myths Johnson played for them big deal - so have many other Villa players, therefore to use that as a reason is cutting off one's nose IMO Journeyman - oft used on here and quite wrongly, he has played for two clubs total. Budgie was a journeyman, current equivalents are usually found in the lower leagues but for me a certain Robbie Keane fits the bill nicely
  6. in a somewhat quiet time for Villa related things, bar a couple of friendlies and the ongoing Baros saga. Let's have a look back over the last few years and pick a team that you the message board members vote for. So with any good team we start at the back - the very back. Goalkeeper. I'm not going to do the stats or write ups on the individual players you can do those yourselves 2 days each Poll
  7. bizarre - was wearing that shirt tonight for football, with those shorts!!
  8. hi mattboyslim welcome to VT Earnshaw - no thanks for me
  9. good question, never really thought about this I feel hte pull of the traditional white shorts, but the blue do look sort of 'smarter', to say nothing of original
  10. Who would you prefer in the Vilaa team? Baros 67% [ 51 ] Vassell 32% [ 25 ] Total Votes : 76[/code] appears so
  11. well I used option 3 for that
  12. exactly Rev - I went for 3 too
  13. Sarcy sh*t never said my spreadsheet I expected you to do one ;-)
  14. cheers JC that'll go well in a spreadsheet...........
  15. exactly, hence my putting it in, I might write a thesis on it...........
  16. sssshhh I'm putting a wager on them going down oh that'll scare em
  17. gonna poll this in groups to see how things change Rev
  18. Table 1 Chelsea 2 Arsenal 3 Liverpool 4 Man Utd 5 [b]Aston Villa[/b] 6 Newcastle 7 Tottenham 8 Middlesbrough 9 Birmingham 10 Charlton 11 Man City 12 Bolton 13 Everton 14 Blackburn 15 Portsmouth 16 Sunderland 17 West Brom 18 Fulham 19 West Ham 20 Wigan [/code]
  19. well do your top button up and turn the collar up...........
  20. The Time why. Because I get it free on the train.
  21. prefer Doner kebab myself ;-) but you find a Donna and ...........well maybe not
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