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Everything posted by alreadyexists

  1. currently having a medical at citeh That joke isn't funny anymore, it's too close to home and its too near the bone.... Nice Manc/Smiths reference.
  2. The Guardian reporting £9m (like some other places) don't understand why are some people so inclined to believe the worst case scenario (£12m+) when there's evidence that it's likely to be wrong, or at least no evidence any more convincing that it's right.
  3. I watched France '98, and I've eaten several baguettes, so I think I know a thing or two about French football. Or Le ballon du fut as we call it. Also, I actually lolled at the 'never under his reign' comment! Lambert and his team did exceptionally well to bring in Benteke and other quality on a low budget, but they also brought in quite a few rubbish players for the low budget. Which I think most of us accept is inevitable when gambling with young and unproven players. But to have written off some of these latest signings because they cost more and are therefore, in your opinion, a waste of money... It's bizarre. I can't see in to the future, so I'll judge them on how they play for Villa, when they play.
  4. Clark has really come on in the last two seasons, an bid of £2m is ludicrously low considering. I doubt there's any truth to the rumour.
  5. I'm disappointed he said league instead of team... But beggars can't be choosers! If that Twitter account is legit then it sounds like he's on board. Good stuff.
  6. So this could be our second Jordan in two weeks.
  7. That's the first I've seen, and I take my hat off to you sir. 'On the Idrissa m'lord, on the Idrissa'
  8. Looked good, I'm impressed with the finish after the dodgy keeper clearance.
  9. Pretty gutted. No player will ever be bigger than the club, but Benteke was an exceptional talent and I feel lucky to have watched him thump some goals in for us. All the best Christian, even if your choice of new team was poor!
  10. Is Rolan any good? I've not seen him play? Rolan Rat?
  11. I'll really miss him if I'm honest, even when we were playing really crap I could hold onto the hope that at least benteke is awesome. ha, he's like a brick wall.
  12. I fell down the stairs a few years ago and rolled my ankle, I was convinced it was broken for about an hour, and then the pain started easing off and I could walk the next day. Ankles are painful, so hopefully it's just something innocuous.
  13. Didn't he pick up a knock in a reserve match last season, leading to his absence from the squad, leading further to an outpouring of ludicrous conspiracy theories (Sherwood arrogant/jealous etc.?) I vaguely remember he was left out the squad and everyone wondered why, and later it turned out he was injured, wasn't that it? I can't quite remember because of all the flying saucer attacks, might have to make a tin foil hat
  14. Shame he's picked up a knock, but might be nothing so hopefully will come straight back and keep wowing Sherwood.
  15. His appearances to goals ratio is pretty good to be fair, don't know the stats but from memory.
  16. As others have said, a loan deal for the season - yes. It's a good idea and a great chance for him to prove himself, plus we get a [former] world class striker (totally forgot he was Togolese like the mighty Salifou) with little/no risk. If it's £4m as rumoured, that's just too much for a 31 year old who's been inconsistent of late. It sounds like when your dad as a go at football manager for the first time and buys any player he knows.
  17. Welcome Jordan, score on your debut and you might even top Tony Moon's status!
  18. Not at all, just thought you hadn't seen it yet. I hadn't, cheers mate. Exciting though, if he's as good as people say he is then we've got a bit of a coup there by signing him.
  19. Amavi? We haven't signed him yet, as soon as we have you can tick him off. http://www.ogcnice.com/fr/actualite/24256/accord-pour-le-transfert-damavi My bad, I can't speak French but I assume this is a post which makes me look like a berk because we've signed him! Good stuff
  20. 20 goal a season striker is not a bare minimum. Some of the starting strikers in the top 4 don't even score as much. Even Benteke's highest total with us was 19. Shall I edit my original post to 19 or are you happy for the 20 goal to be approximate?
  21. Amavi? We haven't signed him yet, as soon as we have you can tick him off.
  22. In my eyes we need as a bare minimum before the season starts; 1. A striker that can conceivably score 20 goals a season (that might be a tough one) 2. A left back (they've always been easy to find in the last 5 years!), 3. A central midfielder to provide cover and competition to Gueye/Westwood/Gardner (that isn't crap) After that, we need a lot more, but those are the most urgent I think personally.
  23. I am a little gutted to be honest, I knew it was coming ever since we knew he was amazing which was early on. Oh well, at least we're getting a lot of money for him, and we have time to reinvest. Spend £25m on a established striker, and £8m on a younger up and coming one (I know it's not that simple really!)
  24. Looking forward to this, they finished fourth in Primeira Liga last year, so they should be pretty good competition. Can't believe one of their nicknames is 'the arsenal fans' what a rubbish nickname.
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