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Everything posted by mightysasquatch

  1. It's not over training at all, if anything it's less than the majority gym bro's routines. It's hard to over train your upper back....also not to be a d*** about it but Wendlers advice & program is so popular because it works. but I know what you mean about people calling it over training, what they really mean is that they don't recover properly. Don't eat enough & spend to long in the gym. i also take deload weeks every 7th week of lifting, sometime I deload every 4. There's a reason why you use a training max, it's to prevent you stalling & haulting progress. Constantly make tiny improvements
  2. If your push strength isn't moving ahead train the hell out of your upper back/lats...whenever you push/pull as well. Don't just push one day/pull another. I can't say enough how training my upper back more made my bench/OHP better so don't limit yourself to thinking like the majority of people. Also down sets are a great way of hammering home a lift at a reduced weight but it'll allow you to 1)get volume in on the given lift without over doing it 2)drill home the movement pattern. So say a OHP day on week 2 of the program o usually run would go something like warm up sets (using a weight max) 40% 50% 60% band pull aparts for total 100 reps between sets work sets 70% 80% 90% Set of pull/chin ups between each set 3x10-15 (or whatever you can do/or lat pull downs) down sets (this is going back to our first work set of the day) 70% for 5 sets of 5 reps dumbbell rows/cable row between all sets.....whatever just do some tugging. Even on deadlift/squat days I do something for upper back. Here's a couple articles by Jim Wendler on how to bring up OHP/bench press...both push movements http://www.jimwendler.com/2015/11/5-ways-to-increase-your-press/ http://www.jimwendler.com/2015/11/all-about-the-bench-press/ https://www.t-nation.com/training/my-favorite-upper-body-lift What I listed was & is how I train my push/pull & its always gotten me strong for meets. if you're benching I'd really recommend watching "so you think you can bench"on the youtubes by Dave Tate.
  3. 100,000 players is pretty low really when you consider, say Destiny (which I nolonger play) has an average of 3m a day. Problem with BF was that it stripped everything that made the originals so damn good, in fact the content at launch was lacking & to have to pay the price for dlc to get the "full game" made it more insulting. EA for you!
  4. My trouble is & was the bullet sponge gang bangers. It's RPG game, so you have damage out puts like destiny/Diablo. I just find it hard buying into "bullet sponge gangbangers", the enemies are so unimaginative. Must of taken them all of 10 mins to come up with them.
  5. Spot on! The combat/cover system/perks ect are great. But the actual weapons are also dull, it's the same weapons just at differ net levels. I understand it's set real world so you're not going to get Destiny type weapons but still....I'm using now the same weapons at the start/end game but higher level. It's just more repetition.
  6. The lack of variety really holds it back. I did 5 encounter missions in a row & everyone of them was the same thing. It repeats it's self so much & the thought of doing daily mission on something that already has me repeating things over and over. It has its elements but I'm already getting bored of the same thing time after time.
  7. There was an open Beta last weekend so I wouldn't of thought there's a closed one now. They usually come before to open ones.
  8. Will say this...the grind for end game gear is going to get monotonous quickly
  9. I got into a game which one quite laggy & I had a random thing of loosing about 80% of in game audio....weird but other than that it's been flawless
  10. I bought the official headset...my first one being faulty but once swooped I've been super happy with them. Having the app is a real nice touch with the preset audio settings for some game. They are extremely comfortable & work brilliantly...also they're truley wire free to use. They hold an excellent charge! The price fluctuates on Amazon but I got them for £58...seen them anywhere between £55-£68 (off Amazon directly no via a seller)
  11. Only really ventured into the dark zone for half an hour, managed to extract some ok gear....maybe just the game I was in but it was ok. Need to open it up more now.
  12. Been on since about midday. It does play well & now being able to upgrade the base has opened up some new abilites/skills, along with that seeing some different weapons it's made it better. I do like that you can match make main missions. Bit of a lie from the developers on the Character creation mind, it's extremely limited. I'm enjoying it but nothing I've not seen already.
  13. For all my reservations I'm still going to have to try it, if I went off the beta/reviews for destiny I'd never of played it. So will give it a shot! I'm going with PS4 for this so if anyone wants to party up my GT is Booga_81
  14. Don't quote me but I'm sure (at a price) you can remove the turn limit off. I haven't gotten round to playing this yet but Will soon.
  15. My issue isn't the game play, the difficulty or the time you have to put in. What gets to me is that I get fed up of clearing out the lesser enemy, get to the harder mini/boss...die then have to re clear the same enemies again. It's not like you can just wade into them either, it's a cheap way of making a game seem longer than it is.
  16. I hadn't touched a ps controller since the ps2, where I bought the original Xbox & hadn't owned a ps since.I had some reservations after ordering a ps in reguards the controller but in all honesty I've been absolutely fine. There's things I like a dislike (the little speaker really annoys me) & the touch pad seems completely pointless to me. I thought the thumb stick placements would be an issue but overall I think they're fine, if not a little shallow. I really like the triggers to & I kinda like the bigger sized main buttons . I haven't played a fps pvp game yet so I'm guessing that will be a test of how I'm doing with it. They won't ever switch thr Dpad with the thumb sticks because that's the lay out for Xbox. Out of the two though I'd still say Xbox controller is better overall in term of design & feel, but that's just what I think.
  17. I'm finding the lack of guns quite refreshing. Nothing like sending your owl over to scout & get him to drop a beehive on the enemy. Then send in the sabertooth tiger while I use the long bow to pick the stragglers off. Game has some lovely movements like that. sorry quoted wrong post:)
  18. I think that's where I'm struggling to buy into it....I love RPG based games but I found myself just getting annoyed with bullet sponge gang bangers. Like you say in Diablo/destiny you can buy into it because you're shooting at aliens/demons. I'm just going to have to play it myself with all the content (at that point) but again as you posted the grind in this maybe poor due to lack of things to do.
  19. Played MG for about a week & traded it in. Great game just wasn't for me.
  20. Release is fast approaching, whom amongst us played the beta(s) & if so what were your impressions? I've played the Alpah, Closed Beta & open Beta. My thoughts over those sessions still hasn't changed that much, game play is tight. Combat feels good & well balanced, best cover system in a game I've played. Interesting skill development when you dig round the inventory menus, some nice rpg elements & again if you look/dig into the menus your find crafting sections/more perks/Skill trees. what I didn't like was the environment all that much, I enjoy post incident settings but the world just felt so flat to me. Missions are repetative, the enemies & their types pretty forgettable...I'm not sure I can buy into bullet sponge gang members. I love damage output numbers eg Diablo/Destiny but shooting someone in a hoodie just didn't seem to feel right. The dark zone was a mess, no real rhyme or reason. I've said before but I experienced two game types: everyone (almost) works together vs the PVE environment & you will have a player(s) camping extraction...the match turns into a revenge fest. the majority of people just go rouge, the ensuing carnage turns into a revenge fest again & isn't that enjoyable to even be envolved in....then you have the Campers at extraction still. If Destiny was light on content/repetitive while even running all three character I'm already having serious reservations about the game beyond the story. I'm hoping at release we see what the end game is here as if there's not much past story mode I'll probably miss this one.
  21. I'm about 20 hours in now & still am loving exploring the world. There's a surprising amount of flexibility given the litmited weapons in the game when it comes to combat. I've had a cave lion with me for quite a while & it's handy not being pestered by packs of wolves & such now. I've come across anything I've disliked yet.
  22. Don't assume I'm a fool just for not wanting to play a game
  23. I know what you're saying, metal gear is a superb game but the amount of stealth that game is based a round just isn't for me. What I dislike about it is spending 20 mins creeping round just to get caught anyway & then have to go full Rambo. I'm not a pvp fps type of gamer either, so I do put more enfasis on story/character development.
  24. I've played zombie games that have little to no stealth elements in there....so in that case I'm out. Games that have large sections of that kind of play aren't for me, I don't mind a bit of it but the game hinges on it being a main part I won't be bothering.
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