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Everything posted by RichiBoi11

  1. A local boy from Halesowen most of us had never heard of until a few minutes ago lol
  2. The crazy thing about this is that Rogers is clearly valued at £10 million in that deal. They signed him for £3 million from West Brom and he's played 25 games on loan in League One, scoring 6 and assisting 4. Yes he's young and English, but to think he'd cost the same as some people want to sell El Ghazy for. Whatv has happened to football?
  3. Yeah the history isn't good, but that was a history ran by predominantly Lerner and then Xia. After everything NSWE have done in just three years I think they need to be cut some slack even if he does go. History could repeat itself and we could end up a selling club that never truly challenges, but they really don't strike me as the sort of people that would be happy with that.
  4. He'd be first choice at Newcastle, where I fully expect him to end up.
  5. If he goes there it'll be devestating for the Premier League. City walked to that title last year. If Grealish joins them then that's basically a title decided.
  6. Very defeatist. I completely appreciate it can feel like we'll get back in to our old cycle of being a selling club, but I think the difference is when the other players left (Yorke, Barry, Milner, Young etc) they were very good players leaving a decent to slowly middling team. This Jack situation is very unique, he's a truly world class player in a decent side. I don't for a second want him gone, but the possibility is still there to reinvest in 2 or three positions and make the overall team a much stronger outfit. Let's not forget we've struggled every time Jack was out injured, and that needs addressing even if he stays. Creating a stronger unit could still give us a boost and push us on a level, rather than having to resort to selling our best players every summer. Utilise the money like Liverpool did with Coutinho and we could boost the whole club. That said, I'd much rather we not face that possibility, and I hope common sense prevails and he stays to become a bonafide legend at the club, and takes us with him to where he wants to be.
  7. No one actually knows what the asking price is in fairness, the figure has come from the press. Until our board formally accept any bid, if at all, none of us have any clue waht the asking price is. Plus our owners don't need the money, so it's completely feasible there is no asking price and they could just flatly refuse to sell, which would put the ball in Jacks court as to whether he gets his head down, or puts in a transfer request.
  8. Yeah I agree. It doesn't necessarily mean he's off, but it indicates the club is at least prepared for the possibility of him leaving.
  9. It depends when they filmed and took the pictures as well, although I find it strange the other three players that were present for the home kit one, filmed in May, are the ones used. That could easily imply that the away one was done at the same time and they've edited Jack out. Or it could mean nothing and these three were used more recently. If it was more recent though I'm surprised Buendia wasn't included.
  10. Exactly, I mean lets not forget El Ghazy only just missed out on a spot in the Dutch squad for the Euros too. His value should be far higher than some people believe.
  11. Yeah I agree. For £10 million you wouldn't be able to even replace him in the squad with a like for like player, let alone improve it.
  12. Yeah I mean I like him, and despite his injury record, I'd welcome him back to see if he can get going, but I just don't see how it benefits him, there's no way he'd go in ahead of Konsa currently, so is cup games for us really going to benefit him? I think for his own career he's better off going somewhere where he'll be told he's first choice. I could see him ending up back with Bruce at Newcastle.
  13. The thing that mudies that is he was in the home kit launch media, as it was filmed and shot prior to the Euros. Who's to say the away kit wasn't too? If it was done back then that will speak more volumes to what's going on if he's not included. Of course, they could get around this by just having Buendia and some of the other players currently in training turn up in it instead of using pre shot stuff.
  14. They've got an option for an extra year, so they'd just activate it so they could either keep him, or sell him to us for a fee. Either way, we lose out. There's no way they'd give up an easy pay day. That said I'd fully back him if he does join, I like the kid and he was great udring the promotion push, I just think there's probably better options out there, for both him and us.
  15. Our fanbase can be so savage. Yes there's areas where El Ghazy can improve, but people saying getting £10 million for him is ludicrous over value are crazy. Harry Wilson, who had a much worse record when he played in the Premier League, has just gone for £12.5 million to a championship club. A Chelsea Under 23's centre back has signed for Palace for £21 million. The guy scored 10 league goals last season, the value that would add to him can't be underestimated. Personally, I'd keep Anwar, he's a big part of our promotion and despite his deficiencies, he's improved every season he's played for us. He's definitely good enough to be a squad player for us, and you don't get anywhere by weakening your squad, as injuries and suspension to the first 11 will then instantly cripple your season. If I were in charge and thinking of seelling him though, I'd want alot more than £10 million to consider it worthwhile.
  16. I find it hard to believe these links to Tuanzebe are genuine, it just seems like a lazy link to me as he's played for us previously. I mean even looking at it objectively there are far too many cons outweighing the pros. Pros: Knows the club already, can play right back and defensive midfield as well, young enough to improve Cons: Would want to play regularly, horrible injury record, high wages, old enough to want to be established ahead of our current players, probably a high loan fee, if successful in the loan would just return to United a better player. I really don't see it happening.
  17. If Jack does go then all I can say is he isn't the man I thought he was. And I'm not saying anything wildly negative about him moving forwards, but he always struck me as a man of his word, and he said he was fully committed to the project (which is still on track) when he signed 10 months ago. If that's no longer the case I think him leaving says more about him than the club.
  18. Yeah he's embarrassed himself there. Not the action of a professional journalist.
  19. Well it depends which reports you believe. It sounds like he wants a move to Europe and his agent was in the UK last week. It just depends if our name coming out is agent talk to generate interest, or if we were actually speaking to them.
  20. I would imagine he's on the same list as Bailey, with Bailey clearly the priority. If that falls through I wouldn't be surprised to see a move for Alvarez
  21. To be fair it's already Wednesday, so at this point it should have already happened.
  22. I'm not making any presumptions on how annoyed either of you are, but it's getting off topic and you're both clearly not going to agree, so you may as well both walk away.
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