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Everything posted by RichiBoi11

  1. He lives locally too and wants to leave. I think there's a deal to be done there, but by the sounds of it we aren't interested. I wonder if that will change with Grealish's imminent departure.
  2. It's time to go in for Maddison. And just purely because Arsenal twitter want him. We love some twitter beef this window, time to make some more
  3. He's worth more than that. Not the £40m quoted, but definitely above 10
  4. Imagine if he fails his medical after all this because of his shin splints
  5. Smith referred to him as a striker and the story on the official site refers to him as a winger. He even says on his stream his favoured position is wide right. I think Smith said that to emphasise he's an attacker, and possibly to distance the inevitable comments he's a Grealish replacement.
  6. Interestingly I think Cutler wants another development project behind Emi, but someone further along than Sinisalo. The Oxford manager confirmed they rejected a bid from us last month so I don't see us targeting an established or high profile keeper.
  7. More people need this attitude. We all have opinions but we all want a successful team. We should all want to be proved wrong if something benefits the club. On Tammy, personally I'd like him back if the finances were right, but I can understand peoples scepticism as well.
  8. He signed his contract on a youtuve lice stream at 1am. So they had to confirm ASAP
  9. Yeah I think that's caught alot of people off guard, unless it was a Freudian slip and he just meant attacker.
  10. Pitarch used 22 mil on Wes to be fair, not Smith.
  11. Very well said, this guy has damaged himself completely unneccessarily and has now got completely invested in an event that may or may not even happen. He'll get untold abuse no matter what happens now, and whilst noone should be actively abusing anyone, he's pretty much painted a target on himself.
  12. And the dog didn't specify which James it was? What a little tease.
  13. There's a video of him training with a fitness coach at that hotel posted from a guy at the hotel at 12:42. For a man not renowned for his pace that's very impressive to be showered, changed and up in Hale in under 2 hours.
  14. Stop with your sensible analysis and reasoning, it's not welcome here. Don't you know we need to have an incredible 11 and no sub options?
  15. Yeah the truth is we won't know one way or the other until the window is closed, but if he does start speculating then people will take a lot less notice of him.
  16. Lazy implies it is made up, an easy quick fix for a story to print. That would makev sense if the link came from The Sun or Football Insider, but it's coming from someone who's known for not making stuff up. That's all I was saying, that it seems likely there's some real interst there. Of course, our scouts could just be lazy and have turned to Jacks mates as options.
  17. And yet they're coming from one of the more reliable journalists...
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