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Everything posted by Mic09

  1. Post it here then! Btw, have we signed Sneijder yet?
  2. I only meant attacking midfielders/wingers, but Id put Westy on par with Marc
  3. lets just agree to disagree; I think he is a great player, and with Benteke up top fit again his crosses could prove deadly. Its a shame we only got to see more marc towards the end of the season...
  4. Am I easily pleased? Not really, but out of Marc, Gabby, Andy, Tonev and bacuna, who were you most impressed by this year?
  5. Bertrand was a very good left back!!.... ... until he came to Villa...
  6. Messi or Ronaldo are not brilliant; the are the best. I guess its just a words game, but we all know what I mean
  7. He is worth keeping regardless; he has proven he is a brilliant player, and with our team I would start him every game. Always a threat, always puts in a shift. One of my favourite players in Claret and Blue.
  8. If the sale is close, I can imagine it's being the last meeting between the three of them. I said this before but what I've learned by Lerner from his reign is that he seemingly wants to do things the proper way and respects loyalty, so it might be "the last supper" with the golden handshake for both of them. I've been thinking something...lately Lambert has been talking about how the team needs investment and more experience etc...what if he has said it to point it out for the potential buyers, as I suspect he's known about the sale for couple months. I guarantee that after Faulkner, he must have been one of the first people to know months ago
  9. From a business model, it is a very reisky thing to throw money around. Maybe they see Villa from 4 years ago as an archetype of a team that spends?
  10. ive been away the whole day. Whats Kwan??
  11. You are right. It shouldnt be a case of 'you play for Villa because you are English' but 'you play for Villa because you are the best'. It's a ridiculus argument, anyway, there are plenty of englishmen in the Premier League. They are not often the best, but the best of English play in their clubs, e.g Baines, Hart, Oxlade, Rooney
  12. Are you very sure ? Ive slept with the kitmans wife. I know some shit you wouldnt believe.
  13. he is going there to speak to the new buyer and randy on how to run the team during the next few weeks
  14. do you know the kitmans wife?
  15. It wont be the most productive or engaging comment, but it has to be said; lol
  16. when takeover happens, I can see us making major investment within the first summer window. New Chairman, New Vision, hunger for a result. This will only convince Benteke of Clubs intentions and future, so I think we will see him in a Claret and Blue shirt for a longer period of time now....
  17. so, statement is here, we are in limbo, world cup a month away, no PL football till august, transfer window ages away... what do we do now guys?
  18. He gave it a good go, thank you Randy. Shame it didn't work out, we were close to the 4th spot... goodbye!
  19. The club will be sold very soon I could imagine. Thanks Randy; you gave us a few years of hope, few years of sadness, lets move on.
  20. He can stiff a tone of coke for all I care in his free time; and I know he likes to party because he is friends with a girl I know. He is out in Michu in bham a lot. The problem I see (and some fail to see) is that it isn't doing him any good, and he is not buying himself any friendliness from people that pay his wages. Get pissed, go for some hookers, but I for one don't want to see it. I pay 40 pounds every other week to see this guy. If he played as well as last season ; fair enough. But NOT after yesterday.
  21. Best CB we had since God. Discuss.
  22. the last time we saw him in a Villa shirt?
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