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Everything posted by bobzy

  1. Late and most people would've pointed out similar, but Senderos was great yesterday and (perhaps more importantly) that back 4 of Hutton, Senderos, Vlaar and Cissokho were SO solid. I can't remember seeing such a strong defensive display from us.
  2. But you, er, you don't know otherwise...
  3. All Andros Townsend does (and I mean all he does) is shoot. At the price they'd be asking/he'd want in wages, no thanks.
  4. Lerner is killing our club ffs. This is ridiculous; exactly the player we needed irrespective of wages. Lerner out! Lambert out!
  5. You haven't watched many then. The guy is only 21 as well.
  6. He'd be first choice in the midfield for me; no danger.
  7. The World Cup, of course. And potentially Football Manager.
  8. If he's such a poor set-piece taker, why is he finding his target and creating chances? Are you being serious? He finds his target because Benteke is usually in the box. He rarely scores because the best he can manage is a tame header at goal because of Westwood's tendency to float them in. If you consider those "chances" then we obviously differ on definition. You mean the ones that Benteke wanted to be like that? Oh, ok then. Westwood at fault.
  9. If he's such a poor set-piece taker, why is he finding his target and creating chances?
  10. I'm bemused by the amount of people that can't see how good a player Westwood is. If we sign Sanchez then it will allow Westwood to sit further up in midfield beside Delph and concentrate on what he is good at, he is never a DMF. When we play good attacking football he is always at the heart of it, his passing is brilliant and he was second only to Gerard in chances created by an English player last season. It's not his fault he had the likes of Gabby and Weimann upfront who constantly made a balls-up of our good chances. I look forward to him improving again this year and being one of our best players. In the first quoted post, the words 'by an Englishman' are quite a qualification! They are... but that includes, say, Rooney, Barkley, Sterling, Wilshere, Henderson, Barry, Lampard, Carrick, Nolan etc. etc.... ...and also for a team that was a "relegation battler" all season. He IS underrated because he's not spectacular. 2nd edit: He's also been deployed as our "holding midfielder" - not playing to his strengths at all. Still managed to create plenty.
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/28738388 Football Manager is a real scouting tool; let's just sign the best ones!
  12. I don't get what people are seeing in Victor Moses at all.
  13. I disagree that Westwood was awful last year - or, rather, that he was anymore awful than anyone else. He's the only player in our midfield capable of keeping possession smartly rather than constantly mispassing (El Ahmadi) or running into blind alleys (Delph).
  14. I will judge him on the last 4 years thanks, cruising on £55k a week turning it on once every 3 months. As for this loyal thing, no other club would have paid him the amount we have over the past 10 years, no other club would have put up with such sporadic performances, he has took the **** out of this club for too long. Comfortable I think the word is. Offer him £20k to stay, if not he knows where the door is, His career will be when he leaves here, just like Vassell. You act as if he's a top striker or something that just isn't trying; he's not. The guy has averaged 1 in 4 for his career at Villa (or, basically, 9 league goals a season) and gives his all for the shirt. Whether or not he is good enough can be open to debate, but to class him as just being "comfortable" is lazy at best.
  15. Do you think we'll play this? The only reason I ask is because we've signed Kieran Richardson to play, apparently, as a left midfielder. This implies a shift away from the 3 in the middle we've played since... well, maybe forever. Can see us shifting to a sort of 4-4-2 diamond if Sanchez signs. Sanchez as DM, Cole in behind the strikers and Richardson and <x> outwide - or maybe that's just a "plan B" thing
  16. He could be just the tonic we need though.
  17. I know we don't need another striker, but Hernandez would be a superb signing.
  18. Don't really understand why this didn't happen last season, but I'm happy for the guy - he needs to show something this season. How long is the loan for, do we know? 3 month loan. A mate of mine at work is a Chesterfield fan and often goes - will ask him what he thinks of Johnson (assuming he plays).
  19. Wasn't Unsworth "homesick" too? On topic, I still think Lowton has a future as a wing back. The guy works hard and has a decent delivery on him - he just lacks too much defensively to be a full back.
  20. Aly Cissokho = Cool kiss, hay? Gay friendly signing.
  21. Couldn't meet wage demands is worrying. I can't imagine him wanting that much :|
  22. Yeah but if it's a case of he's paid too much, surely it would have been better to play him and make use of him, rather than sticking him as far away from the shop window as possible? This. Play him, make him look good, make other clubs interested.
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