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Everything posted by mwj

  1. I'm pretty sure it's the latter given the not subtle leaking of the resignation letters
  2. How can you be bullied by gabby and micah etc? They're **** gutless wasters
  3. Neville Southall has really let himself go
  4. http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/aston-villas-gabby-agbonlahor-set-11186406 Gabby obviously now in a 1-man bomb squad. Good riddance you **** waster
  5. You're showing you're age there (as am I), Mr Angry is not an original Mr Men.
  6. Can't figure it out, is that Grumpy or Mean?
  7. My hero. While we're comparing dicks I've been in games with the opposition waiting with baseball bats in the car park in west london, and police called so we could leave the changing rooms in Australia. What's your **** point? The tackles (especially second) was loose and stupid but not surprising from a 20 year old.
  8. Everyone's Denis Wise on an internet forum aren't they...
  9. Lol "got the ball" ok. Let me throw one in at you like that next time we play and we'll see how generous you are then...
  10. To be fair they were 2 **** loose tackles. Deserved to cop one for that, and the red card, idiot
  11. TBH I don't really care about this from a organisational perspective. I would just love to see Lescott, Richards, Gabby etc swallow some (monetary) pride
  12. Fantastic idea... guilty tripping some of those pricks into swallowing their pride instead of buying another AMG Mercedes or Dubai pissups. The others that actually have the right attitude (Westwood, Cissokho etc) probably would be more than willing anyway.
  13. Tough crowd. Hopefully he gets more game time between now and May so we can get a better picture of his potential. Not sure about Green. I guess an £8m signing from Barcelona takes precedence.
  14. Also think you're being rather harsh on his first start, as a 20 year old in a relegated side
  15. Disagree. Yes there were a 4-5 hospital balls (Lescott, Gana from memory) but also a equal number of decent forward balls. Bit hard to draw any conclusions, would have liked to see how he settled into the second half if it wasn't for coming off...
  16. My anti-Pulis position had nothing to do with his football or their results, as boring as shit as it is, but rather the off field stuff...
  17. Good, then you'll know about his alleged situation with various football agents and all the lawsuits from his previous clubs
  18. Can we get back to slagging off our cunting players?
  19. Yes unfortunately. There are a few young progressive British managers (Adkins, Howe, even Rodgers) but most of them seem to a) be in solid jobs or b not have enough experience, which leaves us with the dregs like McCarthy, Bruce, Pearson. I would happily take another foreign manager provided they don't suffer fools and crack some **** whips. That guy at Augsburg has done alright.
  20. The more I read about Chris Hughton, the more I like. Disciplined training sessions, tactically flexible, genuinely a nice guy but most importantly has gotten results everywhere he's managed.
  21. I tried to give him away for free on Football Manager for 2 transfer windows, still didn't get any takers.... So realistic.
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