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Everything posted by mwj

  1. No, other than they have to maintain the pretence that Hollis is running the show
  2. Hollis, while legally required to MAKE the appointment, I don't think he will be the one deciding, that will be Xia. If you read between the lines with the Tom Ross podcast, it was clear that Hollis is publicly just performing his Chairman role as he is legally required to do.
  3. If by embarrassment you mean league titles in 3 countries with 4 different clubs and a World Cup third place, then sure.
  4. Irrespective of Samuelson, Xia etc I'm actually more dubious of straight cash transactions of this size, than leveraged buyouts.
  5. Lol tin hats. God forbid anyone shows interest in the club huh? I thought new fans was the point of a Chinese owner?
  6. Bingo. His job as the Chairman is to represent the shareholder's interests. That's not to say that we're screwed, but there is a not insignificant possibility that this won't work out.
  7. At least it can't be as bad as Parma getting bought by Albanian gangsters who used the club to launder drug money, right? ...right? ...RIGHT???
  8. As will I, I'm just saying that its POSSIBLE Randy just said "I'm cutting my losses", the first guy that can stump up cash (as opposed to some leveraged or incremental buyout) can have her (the club)
  9. This has just surfaced on Twitter... http://biz.zjol.com.cn/05biz/system/2005/07/19/006240659_01.shtml Not quite the Birds Nest, but still...
  10. I think its also worth noting that Hollis' job (legally required as Chairman) is to act in the main shareholder (ie. Randy Lerner)'s interest. If that means £60m cash from a blagger so Randy can exit stage left and go and sit on a beach then perhaps that's what's happened. Time will tell.
  11. The real question is where obviously where did he get the £60m (-75m) to pay cash for deal (as reported by Sky Sports.) a- Recon cash reserves (which we know they don't have) b- his cash reserves (unlikely but hard to know) c- private investment from elsewhere (most likely but again impossible to verify?) d- government investment (unlikely) I think once we know the answer to this, we'll understand a lot more about the situation
  12. Generational thing? Twas ever thus mate. Maybe you should move planets.
  13. I don't think it can be any more clear. 6 out of the 8 teams promoted in the last 3 years had no Championship promotion "track record"... (with one to be decided) The only people were Dyche this year (who hadn't when they were promoted 2 years ago), and Redknapp with Portsmouth in 2003
  14. My point was that Karanka didn't have promotion experience when he was hired. Neither does Carvahal or Wassal. Neither did Eddie Howe, Jokanovic or Alex Neill You're reducing the pool of suitable candidates to basically 3 if you ONLY consider managers with Championship promotion experience.... its a stupid restriction in my opinion.
  15. Perfect logic. Hire someone based on what they will achieve next year. Can you tell me next week's Euromillions numbers while you're at it?
  16. That really is a ridiculous statement. There are loads of managers (esp foreign managers) that don't fufill that requirement that are more than good enough for this club, including HALF of the managers in the promotion or playoff spots this year (Karanka, Carhvahl, Wassal)
  17. Tom Ross podcast https://audioboom.com/channel/the-goal-zone
  18. South China MP is a fairly reputable source: http://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/1947419/meet-tony-xia-jiantong-40-year-old-chinese-businessman-who-just
  19. Option 1 - Purchase last year £50 2015 tv money + £100 2016 tv money - £150m purchase - £50m 2015 squad - £50m 2016 squad = (-33%) ROI Option 2 - Purchase this year £10 2016 tv money + 100m 2017 tv money - 60m purchase - 30m squad = +20% ROI
  20. As long as its less questionable than how Ambramovich got rich then I don't mind.
  21. Hopefully he doesn't limit himself to the best of English football...
  22. FFS can we leave the Bernard Manning jokes out of the thread for at least ONE night?
  23. I think it speaks volumes of Randy as a businessman that he picks a mural and a pub renovation as lasting memories of his time at villa park via some rambling half-stoned statement. Piss off you clown
  24. Wtf is Randy smoking and where can I get some?
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