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Everything posted by mockingbird_franklin

  1. no, that underplays their hand, they are conceptually behind it.
  2. TTIP is at it's core, a formalisation of the take over of government by corporations that has taken place over the last 35 years, The securing of the rights of corporations at a level above that and at the expense of real living people and their human rights.
  3. Religion - a belief in a fiction based on nothing more than faith Government - a belief in the authority of a fiction based on nothing more than faith Money - belief in value of a fiction based on nothing more than faith anyone see a pattern
  4. TTIP, with it's proposal for co-writing of legislation by business and government, now what possibly could go wrong with that?
  5. Likewise water, All that was achieved was the creating private monopolies, The arguments put forward regarding the need for investment really don't stack up if you think more than a few seconds about them
  6. Its never quite as simple as that. The government of the time gave figures based purely on tonnage. That isn't the whole story with coal though, there are many different grades of coal based on its calorific values (the heat it gives off), British coal in the main was of a very high value, the prices quoted for the imported coal were usually Polish prices (still communist at the time), trouble is Polish coal was low calorific value so it was much cheaper. You had to import much more coal to cover what we lost. Even after it was all over and only Tower Colliery still existed in Wales, it was producing coal for the local Power Stations, but it was still of such high calorific value that they has to import Polish coal anyway, because the Welsh coal was burning at too high a temperature for the power stations to be able to cope with on its own. In other words, that argument was bullshit. like most that government used to justify it's detrimental actions
  7. Never ends well for anyone who openly 'opposes' the powers that be that effectively constitute 'the Market'
  8. Then based on recent appointments, perfectly qualified to become chancellor for the exchequer.
  9. As it has been for a very long time, much further back than 30 odd years, and almost certainly it didn't stop a couple decades ago, you can also add the church and the judiciary to those willing to actively help pervert pederasts and paedophiles 'hiding' within the establishment escape having to face justice over their disgusting activities.
  10. 2 on the right i assume are, Labour and The Tories, no way am i accepting UKIP as a left of centre party
  11. typical, the state of that woman's family, dodgy foreignors with dodgy records never worked a day in their lives, she'll be quite close to the top of the waiting list Personally I'd tell the bunch of German Cousin F@(k£rs to piss off back to Germany
  12. Now here's an interesting turn of phrase from the DWP. Smith's favourite phrase, no less. Which left me wondering, does this word removed write the press releases, do the tame press office toady to him by using his favourite phrase, or is there a subversive Trot in there who is intentionally sending up the sad sack of shit? Oh, and for those who believe in reincarnation: Not just the unemployed. lets shit on the sick and disabled too.
  13. corrected in the interests of accuracy, but I have to agree with the sentiments of the rest of the post
  14. Prides purge breaks the truth about UKIP BREAKING! Nigel Farage not real – parody created by sixth formers 23 Tuesday Dec 2014 Posted by Tom Pride in sarcasm ≈ 8 Comments Tags open government, politics, UKIP (satire?) In a surprise announcement, a group of sixth formers in Canterbury have admitted UKIP leader Nigel Farage is not actually real and that they created him as part of a phone app’ parodying right-wing politicians. The app’ – which features a character called ‘Nigel’ who resides in a BBC TV studio and likes to kick women who don’t clean behind the fridge off the White Cliffs of Dover – was developed by a group of five 18-year-olds at the Canterbury Academy who work under the name FonGames. The school’s principal Phil Karnavas however, expressed surprise that some people could believe the blazer-wearing, authoritarian, neo-Thatcherite character ‘Nigel’ – who pretends he’s a libertarian despite not liking foreigners and homosexuals much – was real. In a statement Mr Karnavas said: “Obviously ‘Nigel’ is a parody. I mean for heaven’s sake, he’s a public school, white, middle-class, city trader from Kent who pretends he is an anti-establishment outsider and thinks the UK can improve its weather by banning gay marriage. Surely nobody in their right mind could believe he was for real. Could they?“
  15. no it doesn't, Evidence points to it having next to no effect on either the level of crime or the ability to bring perpetrators to justice, So if it has no effect on crime, their must be another reason for Hundred's of millions of pounds spent on the installing of CCTV and the further cost of maintenance and use.
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