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Everything posted by mockingbird_franklin

  1. But you forget, despite whatever the facts or statistics say IDS 'believes' they are wrong and he is right,
  2. yes, it has been estimated that we have 20% of the worlds surveillance camera's whilst having 1% of the worlds population, we have more camera's that China despite having a fraction of the people or the landmass, last figures I can recall are from 2013, we has 1 camera for every 11 people in Britain at that time,
  3. seems refs enjoy giving Albion a helping hand by sending our players off.
  4. Great band, check out the vintage caravan as well, they are an icelandic black sabbath influenced band. Seen a couple of Youtube clips, looks interesting, and of course I really need to fill my record shelf Oh and they're Swedish well the part of the band you'd be interested in seeing more of is, the guitar playing hobbit is from France,
  5. What twaddle ... Life was really shit for the less fortunate since man began to walk the planet , that's not a product of this government Life's really shit is one thing, what this governments policies are doing to the less fortunate is in a different ball park. People unable to work through depression are now sometimes asked by ATOS (or whoever the new non medically qualified stooges are) "Why haven't you killed yourself?". Seriously. come on? People are denied benefits for all manner of ludicrous reasons The illogical bedroom tax. Extra bedroom, less benefits, nowhere with less bedrooms to rent? I could go on The suicide as a direct result of benefit sanctions figures are so high IDS won't even publish them just the tip of the ice berg.
  6. This gov't it making their lives worse, not better - and not even trying to make their lives better. That's not what Gov'ts should be doing. Surely that much is blatantly obvious and unarguable to everyone. Utter twaddle, tell that to those that fell foul of the edict of expulsion of 1290 under Edward 1st..... sorry I'd thought I'd get in with a useless and pointless comment before the usual suspects
  7. Great band, check out the vintage caravan as well, they are an icelandic black sabbath influenced band.
  8. Although I would certainly be a suitable representative of your manifesto... if our Tory MP here pledged to kill every single person in this constituency, he'd still win. Assuming he's smart enough not to put the "X" in the wrong box as the only voter left alive Although I would certainly be a suitable representative of your manifesto... if our Tory MP here pledged to kill every single person in this constituency, he'd still win. of course he would, you don't think anyone would believe a Tory pledge would you, though that pledge would probably be more believable than most of the ones Cameron made circa 2010
  9. What twaddle ... Life was really shit for the less fortunate since man began to walk the planet , that's not a product of this government what utter twaddle, sophistry at it's most obvious
  10. Electric Six were fantastic, made all the more enjoyable by the Andy D,
  11. I wholly agree the war criminal should be considered 2nd worse PM ever, to think Thatcher wins and one bathed in Thatcherite ideologies comes second. Cameron is lining himself up nicely to challenge bliar, He comfortobly sits in third place but another term should get him a million dead British through suicide, starvation and exposure. my word, what about Wilson , the pound in your pocket, or Callaghan, Crisis what crisis. Perhaps History isn't your thing. perhaps it is and I just have different criteria as to what determines a truly awful as opposed to a simply poor out of their depth PM.
  12. I wholly agree the war criminal should be considered 2nd worse PM ever, to think Thatcher wins and one bathed in Thatcherite ideologies comes second. Cameron is lining himself up nicely to challenge bliar, He comfortobly sits in third place but another term should get him a million dead British through suicide, starvation and exposure.
  13. saw it today, nice to know that 68% of sun readers don't know what the word hypocrite means,
  14. Build much more publicly owned housing. Not "social housing" i.e. housing trusts etc proper local authority owned housing and I mean on a massive scale, with people given assured long term tenancies to allow them the security of being in their own home. In other words reverse the Thatcherite policy of selling council houses. If more council houses existed, less property would be taken up by private landlords. If investors stopped buying houses to let them out, prices in that sector would fall due to lower demand and then people could afford to by those properties. there's nothing wrong with the right to buy those homes either as long as the money received from those sales is ring fenced and used to provide yet more council owned housing, something that Thatcher specifically outlawed from the sale of the houses. The Witch started all this nonsense Most of the problems we face today have their roots in the witch's policies
  15. A guy at work buys the sun, despite me always turning him down when offered a free read of his propaganda rag, he never ceases to make the offer, after 3 years I thought he may have got the message, maybe if I got the sun to print it amongst it's pages, maybe he will finally have the idea I'm not interested, he definitely can't seem to make the simple link himself.
  16. And good for you, have a little pat on the back and a rub of the tummy, Oh i see you already have received one, don't forget to reciprocate.
  17. All going to plan for George and his buddies, now he just wants to be able to finish the plan.
  18. I'm glad that upstanding pillar of social justice and high morals that is news international have spoken with their unbiased news report and in such have enabled me to make an informed decision on the validity of anything Mr brand says on social justice.
  19. I did grasp it was tongue in cheek, hence my like
  20. You could put it that way, but I don't think much grooming goes on, just forced systematic abuse, grooming suggests a process of coercion so the victim becomes a 'willing' participant
  21. Yep, I meant globalisation is neither credible or sustainable as a force for good in UK while we're part of the EU. It's like our resident lefties have Stockholm Syndrome, they know it's wrong but think that opposing it would make them *horrors*, "right wing". That's not true, it just demonstrates their lack of ability to conduct critical analysis. Ergo, EU loving lefties are the useful idiots of global capitalist animals. Hilarious when you think about it. I think there's a feeling that the EU might be able to act as a resistance to globalism in its current form (US imperialism), Surely this should read Corporate Imperialism
  22. My apologies for insinuating you were confused over this, I now see my possible error, maybe it's just you haven't reached the level of understanding required to see that any alleged (and debateabe) increases in living standards and wealth of the general population is despite globalisation, not because of it.
  23. I believe the biggest mistake one can make when considering organsised pedophilia rings within government and other institutions is to let yourself be sold the agenda they keep pushing, that it is in the past
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