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Everything posted by mockingbird_franklin

  1. The biggest mistake anyone can make about TTIP is to think it's a trade agreement,
  2. it misses out the bit where the nhs has to foot the bill for any substandard care given by acme hospitals ltd while also having to do any remedial procedures , where acme walk away from contracts because they feel they can't make enough profit whilst actually having to deliver the service they are contracted to provide, or they are paid off when their contract is cancelled because they are bodging procedures. only to get a new contract to provide substandard care of a different kind. Of course many would say such things could never happen, whats that, oh they already have.
  3. Oh and Teresa May has been busy showing her total lack of understanding of human rights, fundamental human rights and freedoms are just that. They are rights, not privileges, they are not given by governments or anybody, the convention on human rights and fundamental freedoms just recognises what they are and puts them in a written document for upholding that governments can agree to uphold, governments can not give them and they can not take them away. Governments can only choose to uphold them or infringe on them and deny them to people. To talk about prosperity when talking about human rights is absurd and a perversity. We don't need a bill of rights, we don't need an act of Parliament to give us some rights that we already have. what we need is a government that will acknowledge them and uphold them, something this government appears to see as an inconvenience to their ideological driven agenda
  4. To be fair they are finishing off what started under B-liar's government, same with how they are finishing off the destruction of our education system, and in the process gifting £billions of public property over to the private interests that run academy's, where a 27 year old with no teaching or management qualifications or experience can be appointed head of a school. Probably being a junior member of a right wing think tank (civitas) was all she really needed.
  5. My wife is an Arsenal supporting Londoner who moved up here a few years ago, after working with a few noses she asked me what is with the obsession with villa by blues fans, She couldn't understand it as it was so different to how the spurs arsenal rivalry is, and her dad is a spurs supporter. I asked her why such a question and she told me she found it curious as to why they would ask (if at work) or know all about villa scores and any negative villa news but hardly ever if at all mentioned blues or ask about blues scores when at work. So much so she thought one was a villa fan for a couple of months and was only put right when she mentioned i was a villan too. needless to say i found it equally amusing that the obsession is so obvious to an outsider.
  6. it isn't capitalism. nothing that is founded in neo-liberalism is capitalism or free market or any such bullshit it's proponents spout it to be, it's cronyism, it's fixed markets, rigged contracts, it's capitalism without real capital, without enterprise but with gauranteed risk free returns.
  7. got to love how he shows the usual psychosis of your average blues fan which makes them such a laughing stock. as mentioned above so delusional and obsessed to the level of ignoring all facts or rational thought. All fans are prone to this to some level, but Your average Nose takes it to comical levels in their attempts to impose their delusional footballing world view, I actually read the whole article, such was the merriment to be had the incoherent ramblings of a clearly bitter and cruelly distorted human being, the real irony is he blames an exterior presence, in this case Aston Villa and their relative success rather than his own teams almost perpetual ineptitude to provide the feeling of self worth that he clearly craves and is unable to feel, or generate from within, and his inability to create any feeling of self worth from within rather needing to obtain this from external sources has lead him to become the pretty pathetic character displayed through these ramblings. I guess though being raised in an environment where negative emotions of hate and envy were clearly more important and prominent than positive ones,suffering from the role model of an emotionally unstable father as displayed by nearly all his recalled childhood memories being almost elusively negative ones. concentrating on his nemesis' clubs success rather than his clubs own achievement,s as thin as they may be. the only positive recount having to refer to the one very brief period in history were his club could feel any sense of superiority over their rivals, but having to gauge their clubs success in relation to their rivals rather than in isolation again reveals the lack of any real worth in this purported success. prime example of his pyschosis " When the ref blows for full time at St Andrews and the announcement rings out that the vile club up the road have finally been defeated and are returning to their natural level " lets look at the facts, 105 out of a possible 117 seasons is just short of 90% of all our seasons being in the top flight, a feat only bettered by one other club could only lead to a conclusion that our natural level is one division below this from someone clearly disconnected from reality and logic. where he deserve to be next season is a whole different discussion and this isnt the place to discuss it. anyhow i have a rather nice life, and while just wasting time isn't always a bad thing, it's time to stop. I suppose i could have saved an awful lot of time by just calling the emotionally retarded cock muncher just that
  8. more likely an agent of the forces of evil, doing their bidding and such, which probably amounts to the same thing i guess, just lower down the pyramid than you place her.
  9. sound a bit mafia like doesnt it, now consider where they would get the money for actions against their victims
  10. hmmm, some interesting questions comes to mind how you can be forced to contract with a private company, which effectively has to happen. forcing government services is questionable enough but is accepted and justified under the assumed authority of the government and because most people never question the nature of jurisdiction, power and authority and are happy to just believe what they are told, the old "it'sjust how it is"
  11. terrible idea, this is effectively asking nurses to have to pay to work for free in hospitals and fund their training, training which has been over complicated by governments. the start of a very slippery slope
  12. but this isn't how banking works, it is how we are lead to believe it works. banks do not lend out deposits, they do not lend out their own money, they lend money that doesn't exist prior to the loan being made. oh and nobody has any money in the bank, partly because we don't have money any more, we have currency, but that is a side point, any money you place in a bank account is now the banks. you are now a creditor to the banks. the currency most people put in the bank is a representation of real wealth, the realisation of their labour and skills, of their hard work. this is devalued by the funny currency banks flood the market with by offering credit, and mainly so a very few privileged don't have to actually expend any labour or skills to amass huge wealth. now of course banks don't use any tactic as honest as plain stealing to accumulate wealth, stealing is unlawful, as was the usuary that is the core principle of modern banking up until a few hundred years ago. Banks still don't create wealth, the best claim they could use and even this is dubious one is that they help facilitate the creation of wealth. There is a place for banking institutions under the system you describe, that is why the lie is peddled. they actually destroy the value of your store of wealth through their usury practices and the supporting inflation of the currency supply. 97% of all new currency is magic'd up by banks through credit. But the reality is worse than just destroying the value of your stored wealth, it is also devaluing your labour and skills so you current and future wealth value of your efforts is devalued. The 3% interest paid to you still isn't created wealth, it is redistributed wealth, if they borrow it to someone who buys some goods, then yes they could be argued they are fascilitation wealth creation in the goods or services purchased by the borrower, hmmm but if those goods are not new as in the majority of house sales has any new wealth been created? I'd argue not, and their charge of interest isaccumulation not creation and your cut is just a share of the accumulation. the interest just reduces future spending power of the borrower
  13. so if i was skilled at something. like stealing, i'd be creating wealth by offering my theiving services to others? yes i know quite rightfully stealing is morally and lawfully wrong, whilst many of the activities undertaken by financial institutions are just morally wrong
  14. hmmm, seems you have fallen for the old problem of confusing accumulated wealth with created wealth. the city of London and banks with their countefeiting of sovereign currency are very good at accumulating wealth and claiming its created. Gambling and speculation type gambling that makes up an awful lot of the finacial industry's activities do not create wealth, Banks can't even create currency, they need real live people to do it, it's the slight of hand that usually surrounds this currency creation that leads people to think the bank created it. lets look at a simple gambling situation, i back a horse at 5-1 and it wins, would you say i accumulated some wealth with my winnings or created it, for me to create it, it would have had not to exist before i won. but then we are also forgetting that money/currency is not wealth, it is th means of exchange of wealth, the wealth is the product of the expenditure of labour. If have a £1 coin and a loaf of bread worth £1, the bread is wealth not the £1 coin, unfortunately we have been lead to believe the opposite
  15. He who makes a claim has the burden of proof, ask for the proof that you owe this amount, just sending letters saying you owe money isn't proof. you need a proper bill with your usage, how can they base a demand for money on a re-estimate of usage, surely such a demand should be based on actual usage. just out of curiosity who did you switch to, i've been with OVO since moving house, and i'm actually impressed for once with an energy supplier.
  16. Seems like the £130million in corporation tax from google is a bit of a lie, who would have thought it, this government being economical with the truth. Apparently Georgie girl included £33 million which was claimed from a employee share option scheme and not from company profits. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/feb/04/google-uk-tax-deal-share-options-scheme
  17. Thanks to dAVe80 listening to them, I've broken out some Van Morrison
  18. I think we need some support for Dukin Doughnut smith and his idiotic ideas. Well this makes as much sense as anything dunikn' comes out with Lazy spare bedrooms despised by hard-working master bedrooms 28-01-16 HARD-WORKING master bedrooms have spoken out against idle spare bedrooms that do nothing but claim benefits. Following spare bedrooms’ legal victory against the bedroom tax, bedrooms that put in at least eight hours every night have demanded that something be done about their work-shy neighbours. Bedroom Tom Booker said: “It makes me furious to see them lounging around in their polyester bedclothes, all ‘Oh yeah, I’m a bedroom too, I just can’t find anyone to sleep in me,’ curtains still closed at noon. “Every night I’ve got people sweating and shedding skin cells all over me, not to mention the sex, but I don’t complain because it’s my job. “I know some have it even worse – the kids’ bedrooms, or the teenagers’ bedrooms with the black paint, recreational drugs, and self-abuse – but I don’t see why housing an exercise bike and a set of golf clubs gives them the right to call themselves bedrooms. “Being converted to a home office is too good for them, in my opinion.” Spare bedroom Nikki Hollis, appearing on The Jeremy Kyle Show, said: “I would be a full-time bedroom if I could. “It’s not my fault I’m small and a bit of an awkward L-shape.”
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