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Everything posted by mockingbird_franklin

  1. Seems the only people able to put up any resistance against the vindictive nasty policies of the government is the house of lords, they have just voted against the £30 cut in WRAG group esa, seems they disagree with IDS' idea that people are deciding that £30 a week is a huge incentive for them to be born disabled or to develop serious health conditions that leave them unable to work through disability and ill health. comes on the back of the HOL deciding yesterday, that if the government want to increase child poverty through benefit cuts etc, then they should bloody well have to admit what they have done, that it's not really cricket to attempt to hide the effects of your policies by redefining poverty perversely in an attempt to doctor the figures.
  2. seeing as we are talking about a politician, and the leader of the arguably (and I thought new labour under blair/brown was unbelievable terrible) the most deceitful and despicable uk government ever. my money is on lying, bending the truth, misleading, misrepresentation of the facts or however you want to put it, it's one thing this government excels at, probably why they do it so much, they stick to what they are good at, must be good as on the whole they get away with it with minimal journalistic or public scrutiny, heaven knows there isn't a fat lot of anything else this bunch of clearing in the woods are good at. In the interest of fairness, maybe Osbourne was a mean towel folder, and Cameron does a mean impersonation of a boiled ham. Who knows though, with the grasp of mathematics Cameron and Osbourne have displayed their calculations could show anything.
  3. electric six are fantastic live, I was gutted to miss them in last year.
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