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Everything posted by Ingram85

  1. Better to drink it in a mug.
  2. I've just changed my boxers. Had a purple pair on, now wearing white ones. They make me look Jareth-esque.
  3. I want them to fall a bit lower, league two mid to lower table and stay there forever. We can't point and laugh if they get completely dissolved.
  4. 9/10 on IGN 8/10 on eurogamer May have to get this for me burfday.
  5. Owners whose dogs are out all night and bark loudly (at 3am in this case) waking up the neighbourhood. Should be legal to batter the owners to a pulp in such circumstances.
  6. I've just installed the kindle app on my phone.
  7. I once got punched in the back of the head for suggesting houllier should sub heskey off. "Support your team dickhead" was his excuse while being led away by security. While most people at games are normal intelligent members of the gene pool we have to remember that some prehistoric braindead Neanderthals may have managed to leave their cave to join civilisation now and again. Anyone taking part in any anti social behaviour of any form shouldn't be allowed to partake in society's events.
  8. So I'm a ginger, snowball drinking ghey chameleon?
  9. Surprised it hasn't been cleaned up. *ba-dum-tsh*
  10. Behold Gingegram bored at work. My new glasses aren't wonky, its my awkward shaped nose.
  11. Supposed to be very very short I've heard.
  12. That I struggle to get followers on twitter which makes me feel like a right boring word removed but proper bantz dickhead lads get hundreds. Really boils my piss.
  13. 5'7?! I feel like I normal sized man at 6'1 between VA and 8Pints.
  14. I really want to meet 8pints. Seems a thoroughly top chap.
  15. Or Scandinavia. Looking hot double j!
  16. I've just torn the pack of biscuits, had to put them in a lunchbox to keep them from going stale. I've also just put the kettle on, only boiling the amount that I need to save on the energy. Asda teabag, krispy kreme mug.
  17. Let VT decide. To the rogues. Edit: I do apologise for the now removed exclamation mark after the word 'rogues'. I felt it was a bit too much for such a topic. Sorry again.
  18. I just shaved but left a bit by accident in the middle of my top lip under my nose. I shaved it off with the tap running. Seemed a bit silly to fill the sink up again tbh.
  19. New Uncharted or Batman Arkham game I reckon. Good but anti climactic.
  20. When you have got the squits and the cold water from the flush splashes on your arse and soothes your burning sheriffs badge.
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