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Everything posted by adw95

  1. Jay Rodriguez in the England squad. Also, no Delph but Cleverley and Wilshere are there...why?
  2. I just think it's fine as it is, the police aren't overly bothered by people with small amounts and it's not a huge expense to people. This is true, legalisation would lead to the end of many people incapable of working and doing good for society.
  3. I've always thought legalising marijuana in the UK/Britain is a terrible idea for the people that smoke it, and for one reason; tax. The government would tax it to **** which would lead to the equivalent of £10s worth going up by 50-100% or more. Nobody seems to think this way though?
  4. I really don't know how else to put this to you. Just calm down for a minute and read this. It is precisely because of the approach taken by Houllier & McLeish that we have brought in Lambert to change the way we do things. This is year TWO of Lambert rectifying the problems. Last year was a relegation battle and this year will hopefully be midtable. That is progress along a timescale that I can accept. You say wake up and smell the coffee. I say stop drinking 3 pints of espresso a day and tearing your hair out. It's pretty obvious to me that the real reason O'Neill walked was because Lerner told him he was cutting his investment in the club, and he pretty much has ever since (Bent aside). O'Neill knew the direction Lerner was taking the club (downwards) so he walked. Don't try and pretend it was McLeish and Houllier who caused all our problems because it wasn't. It was Randy Lerner. What I find most sad about the Villa these days is the way our fan base has been reduced to nothing more than nodding dogs when we used to be pro-active. Imagine the uproar if it was Ellis who had done this to us and not Lerner. They'd be riots outside his house, but now we bow down to Randy in a "we know our place" type of way. So so sad. Who told you why O'Neill left? What are your sources? None, it's my opinion. Where are Bof's sources for his "year 2 project" stuff? It's just opinion, that's what this place is all about isn't it? Why does he need sources to say Lambert is trying to change things, that's obvious from what's been going on since he arrived. Your statement is about internal affairs of which none of us (I assume) know anything about.
  5. I really don't know how else to put this to you. Just calm down for a minute and read this. It is precisely because of the approach taken by Houllier & McLeish that we have brought in Lambert to change the way we do things. This is year TWO of Lambert rectifying the problems. Last year was a relegation battle and this year will hopefully be midtable. That is progress along a timescale that I can accept. You say wake up and smell the coffee. I say stop drinking 3 pints of espresso a day and tearing your hair out. It's pretty obvious to me that the real reason O'Neill walked was because Lerner told him he was cutting his investment in the club, and he pretty much has ever since (Bent aside). O'Neill knew the direction Lerner was taking the club (downwards) so he walked. Don't try and pretend it was McLeish and Houllier who caused all our problems because it wasn't. It was Randy Lerner. What I find most sad about the Villa these days is the way our fan base has been reduced to nothing more than nodding dogs when we used to be pro-active. Imagine the uproar if it was Ellis who had done this to us and not Lerner. They'd be riots outside his house, but now we bow down to Randy in a "we know our place" type of way. So so sad. Who told you why O'Neill left? What are your sources?
  6. Does anyone know if this still works? Played the 13 demo and prefer this to fifa
  7. adw95

    General Chat

    Surely writing it in third would make you sound like a right word removed?
  8. Play 4 attackers against a team who are on good form, then play two against a team who are average at best...makes sense really.
  9. i think that place is bloody nice! Everything seems relaxed around there. Meh it's okay. A bit too Tory for my liking. Grandparents live there so I only go once per month or less, it's away from a busy area but not too far so it's good.
  10. i think that place is bloody nice! Everything seems relaxed around there.
  11. adw95

    General Chat

    I live in an area full of people like that and I think the answer is that they go to asda, walk around with their bad tattoos out and kids they had when they were 16, smoke, complain about the government (which they know nothing about), and smell. Up here, they like nothing more than to drink cans of Fosters on their doorsteps. Whilst tinkering with their horse trap cart things. And their horse. In the street. I shit you not. It's like going back in time then?
  12. 5 at the back with only one striker, no support forwards, no major pace and no other goalscorers of any ilk is ridiculous.
  13. adw95

    General Chat

    I live in an area full of people like that and I think the answer is that they go to asda, walk around with their bad tattoos out and kids they had when they were 16, smoke, complain about the government (which they know nothing about), and smell.
  14. Ah you see I'm in the other school of thought. Don't email me with "thanks" or whatever...... its more effort to delete your pointless email than the taking of offence to a non response. I just think it's courteous. When I've updated them on when something will be sent or something similar and I don't get any response it's frustrating...
  15. People who just will not reply to work emails. A simple thank you would be nice.
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