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Lerner's Driver

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Everything posted by Lerner's Driver

  1. Which was always a risk when you had to sign so many in a short space of time. End of circular debate.
  2. Watch Neil Taylor turn into Roberto Carlos in front of the Holte End cardboard cut outs.
  3. I personally haven't missed the Saturday morning anxiety, followed by the inevitable Saturday afternoon slump into mild depression, at all. It's been a relief not to think about Villa. Oh well, prove us all wrong lads.
  4. Absolutely entitled to your opinion, but the original poster is also entitled to his and IF he is even correct about half of what he is saying, then politely asking a failing Government to admit to its catastrophic mistakes and then change their actions isn't likely to achieve much is it? Millions of people marched against Brexit and this lot didn't even acknowledge the march had taken place. Forget who is right or wrong about that pile of crap, because that question IS irrelevant, but what isn't is the attitude behind Brexit and this current brand of Tories, who are beholden to their paymasters and have been forming policy throughout this crisis on the hoof, with those paymasters constantly in their ear. So yes, the same applies to PL and project restart, it's political alright, which is why it's also perfectly right to question the money first greed we can all see playing itself out.
  5. If they remove relegation, as is customary for Villa, we will probably turn into Brazil and qualify for Europe.
  6. Boooooooo! We are a very hard team to like. We have some ability, but rarely make it count because we are always shooting ourselves in the foot. We frequently fail to do the basics properly and we are very very shit at defending. On current form, we absolutely deserve to go down. Complete and utter cack.
  7. You are an expert on most things, so what else can you tell us about non sense? Is it one word, two? Do you pride yourself on never uttering it? Does it feel good to put fellow Villa fans in their place for being wrong?
  8. How have you managed to make these few words sound like there is more than one of you? That's a challenging prospect on several levels.
  9. There you go again, judging the validity of Villa fans. No wonder you are so well liked.
  10. Good try. As usual, not quite good enough. If he stays, Samatta will be useful in the Championship.
  11. I mean, if we do go down, a lot of 'why' will be down to the players we bought, but when making as many signings as we did, the chances of that working were always going to be against us. Not only did those players need to find form individually, most of them needed to do it for the first time in the Premier League and some in a new country. And even if they had been able to maintain decent personal form, there was always going to be the issue of how they all gelled together. With one or two exceptions, It hasn't really happened consistently on either front. This season is basically a punt that has never looked like coming off. But then you think, what other option was there? You don't buy a quality new team for £140m or whatever it was.
  12. None of us has the insight or passion you do in relation to all things Aston Villa and yours is the only acceptable form of support. Please will you forgive us?
  13. Classic Villa though - you must be used to it. Not used to losing a player of his rare, home grown quality, but us not holding on to and building on anything good over a meaningful period of time. Life as a Villa fan doesn't work like that! We get the odd, occasional glimpse of glory, which subsequently evapourates. Hence the doom - it's in our blood. Even if by some fluke, we win today, it probably won't inspire us to finish the league strongly in the way it might some teams. Our lot will just become even more ragged and loose on the ball and we will go down as the bottom team. I'm exaggerating of course, it probably won't be that extreme, but as a club, in our recent history, we have shown we are expert at not being good enough... Last season was an exceptional run of form, but going straight back down and losing Grealish would be classic Villa!
  14. I promise you'll get over it. Sooner than you realise. And... your wife will even wash your shitty pants.
  15. To be fair, anything is possible, but it being a shit weekend is a lot more probable!
  16. Aww c'mon. Who are you kidding you are in your element. Never more truthful to your strongest skill when you are rubbishing something. It's what you do best.
  17. It's just another example of a stick to beat Smith with, don't forget!
  18. "I am not sure what he does from here but I am confident he won't be sacked." "He needs to get a reaction again but not one that lasts 1 or 2 games but for the rest of this season. The bare minimum for us to have any hope is for every player to give 100% and Smith has to ensure that is the case and if that means disregarding a number of players so be it. This is arguably the biggest test of his managerial career and these next 3 months will shape his and our future." ... can we deduce you believe not producing what you say he has to produce, will have no impact on his job status at the end of the season? And should it still be so, if the performances continue to be of the same calibre as yesterday? In other words, should the manner of our relegation, if it does materialise actually matter? Personally, I think it should. An utter capitulation between now and the end of the year would be a damning personal failure and could set a similarly negative tone for a new season in the Championship. If he doesn't get the reaction you mention, I think he's done for.
  19. Didn't bother watching it yesterday and glad I didn't. It's always possible to be surprised in football, but you also get hunches based on recent form and the general vibe and you could just tell we were going to lose before we'd even kicked a ball. In some games Jack has been enough on his own to get us something, but it's clear the positives from each match are diminishing not increasing at the moment. As things stand, we are reliant on others being just as shit as we are, but even if that were to materialise, there would be no glory in it. I certainly won't cheer if we limp over the line in that way because we won't have deserved it through our own efforts. Hard to love a consistently disappointing team, it's just a waste of a Saturday afternoon.
  20. Weirdly the bloke does actually seem to be a Villa fan, but he is also autism-level obsessed with Smith. It's not healthy.
  21. Why post if it results in endless abuse? Can't be much fun for you? You must be dead set on proving a point?
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