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Everything posted by catanzaro

  1. Totally agree.. if he was playing in place of Emi, I’m convinced we wouldn’t have lost that game.. where is he by the way.. is he injured?
  2. doesn't that make him eligible for the Irish national team
  3. Thanks for saving me from quoting myself and I’d go for lots of 4’s and 1’s..
  4. Where can you see a full recording of the press conference?
  5. Really.. wow.. was she in the Porsche he crashed the other week.. if not he has a lot of explaining to do
  6. According to Sky his backroom team arrived this morning at Bodymoor, 5 mins before him... so they are there, whoever they may be
  7. Agreed, funnily enough I was comparing it to when Dean came in, Dean kept very quiet about the quality of the players.. then it became clear to the squad that he was looking for players during Jan and we had a pretty bad run during that period (if I remember correctly), once he got past the window and got Mings in, then he settled it down again and with the return of that chap that used to play for us, we hit that winning run.. Contrast that with SG.. He got the bounce but alluded to the fact that the players were only worth their position in the league.. the subtle and not so subtle narrative was that the players were not up to his standard.. Beale, in my opinion, was counteracting SG's negativity so hence the team flatlined, however once Beale left the team then (unsurprisingly) went on to fulfil SG's prophecy. As someone who manages people myself, I am really looking forward to seeing how a top coach like Emery handles the same situation. Handling the players' confidence and ego is what fascinates me about all this.. The tactics, for me, come after in terms of my personal interest.
  8. Fair enough, it’s only my gut feeling.. no real reasoning behind my view
  9. I think Unai will develop him in to one of the best midfielders in Europe
  10. Just wondering why Nas didn’t get involved last time around.. looks like he knows what he’s doing..
  11. Yeah I wanted Mancini, Emery just doesn’t quite have the sartorial style I was after..
  12. It just makes me laugh that the ITK twitterverse always state that all the other newspaper conjecture is just a 'smoke screen'.. surely it is more believable to say we've spoken to some top managers and they're going with Emery..
  13. in all seriousness.. are we to believe our club has put out rumours about another club's manager and that then (somehow) helps them land the appointment of someone else..!? If that is true, it feels quite childish and small time to me..
  14. May be Emery is the smoke screen for Amorim.. the old double bluff
  15. If I think it enough.. may be it will happen!
  16. I want Roberto Mancini.. lets get some sartorial elegance as well as top drawer management
  17. You talk a lot of sense.. I agree with you on all points
  18. Yeah we really do look like Everton.. we’ve got to look at some of our senior decision makers for sure
  19. Trouble is no one told Gerrard
  20. I guess the players didn’t want to down tools at home
  21. Tonight is going to cost our billionaires a fair few quid over the next 12 months
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