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Everything posted by colhint

  1. I don't know who's right here, I haven't followed it enough, but if Snowy is wrong, please can we call him Snowy van Chap
  2. I sometimes think instead of a march, if people got together and did something good for society, they would get more publicity. There always seem to be marches in London, they seem to blend in together, and lose impact. Now if 50,000 people visited a pensioner for the day, or something like that I reckon the Beeb would be all over it
  3. i don't think that's fair, just because he doesn't agree with you, you shouldn't question his intelligence.
  4. Maybe there was more important news on the day, say like the Junkers issue, or ISIS taking cities. Or the Iraqi's asking the US to bomb or the Egyptians jailing journalists. Not everything can be a headline.
  5. just wondering how you found out about it?
  6. We are big into it. I have 2 tents now, a Cabanon Aruba for long trips, its canvas, can't beat it, and a Outwell sun Valley 6 berth for short trips. We tend to split one year in France and another back in the UK. I think our favourite uk site is Fforest fields in Wales, Its perfect, near to LLandridod wells
  7. That's not quite true is it. He has declared it in Brussels every year. And it hasn't cost the taxpayer a penny. He hasn't claimed any money for it.
  8. Ha ha, I think he has foot in mouth not foot and mouth
  9. Yeah but what about the foot and mouth crisis?
  10. Oh OK then, bloody labour government let foot and mouth come into the country, blummin James Callaghan, putting our lives at risk, only it in for themselves, couldn't care about us.
  11. Err OK, fine. Isn't that just a wee bit old news, or is this the VT off topic shown on Dave?
  12. I'm not sure what your point is here? Are you blaming the government for the horse meat in burgers or George Galloway?
  13. I think this part of the problem isn't it. ft gives one figure, Guardian another, Eurostat another and the Beeb yet another. And really they are not even close to each other so you could even make an educated guess. So how is the average guy going to get a realistic figure to decide if immigration is an issue.
  14. That's true but only to a point. If all costs are passed on and the price increases too much, fewer will be sold. so profits will be down also. So it would be balanced.
  15. How do you know it doesn't address any loopholes? And if as you suggest £100bn a year is lost, haven't they just brought that down by £24bn. If they keep on like this, isn't it possible they will reduce it further in the next few years.
  16. You can try and paint the governments utter utter unwillingness to make big business pay their dues to society in as good a light as you like. It don't wash with me I'm afraid. How could my pointing out the obvious error of your statement be translated into me trying to 'paint the government in a good light'? You have moved from making remarkable statements to ridiculous statements. There's no error in my statement. If its £8bn of £112 billion recouped, it's pissing in the wind. It's money lost to private pockets that should be helping the sick, helping the disabled, educating, funding libraries, the list goes on. It's a nice headline grabber, but they're not serious and never will be about helping the %99 over the 1%. Doesn't the report say that £8b was collected last year, In fact doesn't the report state that an extra £59.5bn in taxes have been collected in the last 3 years. and doesn't it show a significant increase year on year. So how can it be, that nearly 60 billion is pissing in the wind?
  17. They will make it worse but Labour won't reverse what this coalition govt have done. This is surely just the man we need to sort out the problem of tax avoidance... http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/apr/03/nigel-farage-uses-private-company-reduce-tax-bill-ukip Green Party have had it in writing since 2010 their desire to stamp out tax avoidance. UKIP have no manifesto, but they do have a leader that likes to avoid tax. I have just read the Green Party line from this, by Caroline Lucas. She says £16bn could be lost. http://www.greenparty.org.uk/news/17-03-2011-tax-evasion-bill-parliament.html Well doesn't that guardian report state that £8bn has been clawed back? If that's the case haven't they reduced the problem by 50% in 2 years
  18. You're a real 'glass half empty' kind of guy! Awww listen to me moaning, I should leave poor wittle Amazon, Google et all alone with their billions. I'm sure the government are doing their very very best, I'm nothing but a meany pants bully. I'm sure you couldn't have read it. Didn't it say about 50% was from big business and tax avoidance, surely that's good isn't it?
  19. whatever your colours, this is good news isn't it? Collecting more taxes from those avoiding paying http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/may/27/uk-tax-inspectors-collect-record-24-bn#start-of-comments
  20. In my time with the JLP some years back, the Chairman never took the bonus
  21. Isn't that a bit bigoted, to suggest anyone who votes for UKIP, are too bloody stupid to realise what they are voting for. Even Ed Milliband said today in the Guardian, (typical bloody Guardian, posting something negative about Labour, and not allowing comments for hours, any other party is opened up in minutes) said worrying about immigration is not predjudice, and that Labour had all too often turned it's back on immigration concerns.
  22. I think we should run shifts. Somebody give a quick synopsis of whats happened on this thread at 10pm. Someone does the same at 6am and another at 2pm. Saves everyone trawling through loads of made up shite when nothings really happened.
  23. Get one off ebay. They are generally looked after, and you can getter better quality for your buck. It can go either way She'll either love it or give it up in a couple of months. Bear in mind its a winter sport really. By that I mean its not really dark in summer until gone 10. Also there are good apps now for star identification, and something like stellarium, free for your pc. It tells you what to look for on a given night.
  24. I'd say this argument is invalid. We didn't qualify for the world cup in 1994 when there were less foreigners in the league. I did say there would be exceptions, Since the sky money we have made one semi and that's when we were at home, prior to sky we were in the group just below Brazil Argentina Italy and Germany, so we always thought we could do ok, Now we think will we make it out of our group. To be honest, part of me hopes we are knocked out after 2 games, maybe then the FA will try to do something, if we keep on just about making thee quarters, they'll just pootle on thinking everything is ok with English football plc.
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