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Everything posted by colhint

  1. I don't think this is a wise move, she has much more support than JC. There are loads of reports out there from Labour about them wanting him gone
  2. You talk about May and her Ideological choice. Do you not think mixing with all these terrorist groups isn't an ideological choice?
  3. I think it proper for politicians to do what they did in Manchester. I also think it is proper for politicians to support the troops in times of conflict. I don't think they went into those areas just for a photo shoot. I think they went to support troops.
  4. So when Andy Burnham was all over TV last week was he showing solidarity and leadership to the people of Manchester,or was it nothing about the people of Manchester it was just political opportunism. Unless you only think it applies to PM's. And don't the SAS in particular love Thatcher, didn't she have piss ups with them well off camera. I read this when reading in detail about the Iranian Embassy seige
  5. I'm wondering why you think it's a bad idea for the PM to go and show support for our troops in time of conflict
  6. I don't think are showing support for a united Ireland if you only talk to one side. I actually think you are harming the situation if you parade yourself with people who have committed atrocities. I think that might well piss off the people on the other side.
  7. I mentioned this yesterday, I have been thinking about it some more. I'm sure the MCB condemn terrorism but we never here from them. I think we should invite them on QT, Andrew Marr, Andrew Neil shows. So they get exposure. I know what Paul Nuttal looks like, I could probably recognise someone else from the party, I wouldn't be able to name them. The point is They get air time and people know what they stand for, whether you agree with them or not. At the moment I don't really know what the MCB stand for, I could probably guess, peace integration and being good citizens. And I certainly couldn't recognise them. I think raising their profile would really help. If they were to have that exposure maybe the TV channels could give them a little air time at times like this, along the lines of This is a party political broadcast on behalf of blah blah blah. With a narrative along the lines of we condemn the violence, we are peaceful people, These people do not represent islam, We pray for those suffering, we thank the emergency services etc.
  8. when did groups become bands? When I was growing up every band was called a group. Now you never hear the word. It's just a band now
  9. I think that's a tad unfair, like Muslims, I think the vast majority of Brits are appalled by this and acknowledge that it's a tiny minority.
  10. I think whoever forms the next government should give a higher public profile to the Muslim Council of Britain. People say that 99% of Muslims are decent people, I think it's more like 99.99% are very decent people. I want to hear the MCB have a voice. I rarely hear about them in the media. In fact I think the only times I hear about them is when they have to apologise for an arsehole who claims their faith. I do remember a while back a local mosque raised money when Jewish graves were desecrated, hardly mentioned if I recall. I think if they have a higher platform they could highlight the many of the good things done by Muslims in this country. Unfortunately at the moment all we hear at the moment is the terrible things done by a tiny, tiny minority.
  11. My Good mates son. A complete Arsehole. My mate is fine, his wife is fine, the daughter is fine, but the lad. Moans about everything. I'm sure if he won the lottery he'd moan about having nothing left to moan about. And he swears like a trooper. He is 14. and not really the sharpest tool in the box. Frequently I pick my mates kids and mine from school. Three of them get on fine but then there is this lad. A week ago it was a nice day, and I had time and I was in the right place, so I bought them all an ice cream. Today I picked them up I didn't have time wasn't going past a shop I was in a rush to make it. Three of them got in waiting for miserable git. A soon as he got in he said "got any ice creams" me "sorry didn't have a chance" him "Oh for f....ks sake it's boiling can't believe you wouldn't get any" Cheeky sod, If it wasn't my mates lad I'd slap him.
  12. I'm just so sorry. A terrible thing to happen
  13. Idris the Dragon, it's Wales innit.
  14. I'm wondering why you think its criminally wasted by the supermarkets? It's not a policy from them. They spend huge amounts of money on software to predict sales and orders. Wastage is a byproduct. I think they achieve about 97% service. If they could get that up to 99% they would love it. Saves them money.
  15. Had my first omelette in ages Cheese ham and a drop of Worcester. Lovely
  16. It's a good job they're pro NHS then
  17. doesn't the money go straight back to the NHS?
  18. Which is fine if there is enough work for both of you, but what if you are just getting by? obviously if there is enough work for both I agree with you
  19. I think the average return is about 1%
  20. Buy premium bonds with it. If they come after you you can just cash them in, but you might get a nice win.
  21. I did see one many years ago. There was a Lady in a new Range Rover trying to park in a gap on the side of the of the road she probably had about 2 or 3 goes. On the final attempt she pulled out quite safely, to try to reverse in. Then some bloke in a clapped out clio nipped into the space He got out of the car and shouted "when you can drive love, you can do that" So she just reversed straight into the clio, opened her window and shouted "when you're rich you can do that"
  22. i will admit there were a few funny lines
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