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Everything posted by AV82

  1. Gerrard is clueless. Plays Ramsey, McGinn, Konsa and Coutinho to name a few despite poor performance after poor performance.
  2. He’s had time and opportunity on the ball and **** it every time bar 1 flicked on header. Caught in possession, shit first touch and no ball retention at all. He’s been awful. As have others.
  3. I think we’ve been completely outclassed here and are lucky to even be in the game. It should be 1-3 at least.
  4. Aside from the one headed pass he’s done absolutely nothing other than get caught in possession.
  5. We have no-one on the left and it should be 2-1. Yet more oversight from Gerrard.
  6. It’s never gonna happen, I wouldn’t get your hopes up sadly.
  7. You’re commending him for doing something we’ve all been asking for for months.
  8. Holy moly! How impressive! After constant clamour from the fans which has led to journalists asking questions and Gerrard snapping back like an angry teen Gerrard has finally started our best player. Bravo! What incredible management!
  9. I don't want to see either of Buendia or Bailey wasted at LW.
  10. So it's "he has a niggle" vs. abrasive media responses and the constant misuse of a player over the course of 6 months who out performs all of his team mates, one of whom is a decorated player who has a colourful history with the manager. Hmm. Definitely no agenda there. I have no doubt he might've had a niggle at the start of this season, but that does not exonerate Gerrard from last seasons antics. Buendia has not been used correctly and these blunders are only adding to the fire. To add to this when Buendia has been played it's often been out of position. When Gerrard finally brought him into the game against Bournemouth he decided to play him on the left to even further accommodate his best mate Phil who had been invisible all game.
  11. My response was regarding Gerrard's omission of Buendia being down to a knock. This is simply not the case when we look at Gerrard's reign so far. Your response, much like Gerrard's, adds nothing to the conversation.
  12. He's been head and shoulders above our other attackers when on the pitch and yet finds himself on the bench the following game. It's a legit observation, we're allowed to criticise Gerrard's management of him, even more so when he's asked a simple question and pops back with a petty, sarcastic answer which does nothing to explain why he's choosing to leave our best player out of the starting 11.
  13. He's had a niggling injury for 6 months? Crazy.
  14. He should rightfully answer for constantly putting our best player on the bench in favour of his underperforming best mate.
  15. **** him off and get a real manager in.
  16. A real world example in Spinazolla took 11 months to recover. Tough luck.
  17. Didn't Steer and/or Heaton rupture their achilles? It took them an awful long while to come back.
  18. Was he carrying an injury for all of last season as well? F*****g muppet.
  19. I have no doubt he won’t last the season. When he goes I’ll look back on this post and all that time wasted.
  20. Our best player and one of the hardest workers too. Constantly moving.
  21. Never should have signed him permanently.
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