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Everything posted by AV82

  1. Did I just hear the away fans signing 'Steven Gerrards claret and blue army'?!
  2. Not a chance whilst Nakamba remains employed.
  3. Ah so that's why he keeps benching Chambers. Fair enough I guess.
  4. Ah but that would require a least a little bit of tactical nous. Gerrard has told the boys to kick Bolton up in the air and 'want it more'.
  5. He probably didn't know what to say so just told them to go warm up.
  6. I don't disagree but I'm certainly not surprised he looks a completely different player under Howe at Newcastle.
  7. No-one has to tell me. I find no enjoyment in getting bossed by a League One side and our only reply coming from a complete fluke of a corner kick.
  8. He was voted player of the season what.. 4 months before Gerrard came in like a wrecking ball?
  9. Our system is absolutely dog water as is our coach. Messi himself would find it difficult to shine in this team. Excise the shit manager and get a proper coach in and you'll see an upturn in player performance.
  10. Put the blinkers on boys. If you focus entirely and solely on Kamara it's not that bad a watch. He's class.
  11. The Gerrard effect. He did the same to Targett and Cash seems to be next in line.
  12. They were making noise at the beginning but it rapidly tailed off as we started getting clapped by a League One side.
  13. You think we have it bad? How do you think they feel? Poor bastards.
  14. He's far too stubborn to even consider that. rocket polisher.
  15. It's getting to the point now where Gerrard is actually damaging this club. We're not just stagnating we're going f***ing backwards. Ostracising Mings.. giving McGinn the captaincy.. exiling Morgan Sanson.. ignoring the potential of Archer.. all while boasting a loss percentage that is now close to being the worst in Aston Villa's entire history. It's absolutely insane that he still has a job, nevermind us having to pay him millions to see him off. It's utterly, utterly embarrassing and should cost Purslow his job as well. F*** OFF.
  16. Gerrard hastily scribbling 'What is that Sansons first name again?' in his notebook.
  17. We finally start passing the ball through the midfield and I just about start enjoying myself for the first time in 6 months and then we concede. Love it.
  18. Why do players hardly ever pull the ball back towards the penalty spot?
  19. First shot of the game goes to....! ... Bolton.
  20. There is a middle ground somewhere between a full strength team and playing the kids. Gerrard is a f***ing pussy.
  21. He's scared of Bolton.
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