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Everything posted by choffer

  1. Probably not for everyone but I really enjoyed this one recently (if enjoyed is the right word).
  2. I know it's been mentioned a bunch of times already in this thread but I finally got round to watching Oldboy last night and I just had to register how great it was. My head is still buzzing from it all. Even though it's all pretty much explained by the end of it, my brain is still having a hard time computing everything I saw in the last 20 minutes. Highly recommended.
  3. Hi General, Just a quick shout to voice my appreciation with the staff in the ticket office today. I spoke with a guy called Bromley who couldn't have been more helpful and courteous, made sure he apologised for the delays in getting through (too many people ringing up to try and buy Cup Final tickets would you believe!) and sorted me out a treat with tickets for this Saturday. I remember a year or two into the Abramovic revolution at Chelsea that I noticed how much of a service ethos they had adopted and it's great to see the same holding true at Villa these days. I'm now looking forward to taking my wee nephew to the game this Saturday - hoping for a victory to make up for the loss I took him too against Liverpool! Many thanks as ever for all the hard work everyone puts in at The Villa.
  4. Wasn't even that nervous until I read this thread - now I'm bricking it! Gutted I can't make it to the game but there'll be a little corner of SW London cheering you all on. Hope the team (and the crowd) do us proud.
  5. To be honest, I've been a bit fair-weather over the last couple of years so I've not been following progress too much. I probably know more about Welsh rugby at the moment with all the time I spend down there. I think I'm just being a bit of a dour Scot about it all. We've been poor for the last few years and every year we go into the 6 nations expecting a turnaround in fortunes only to be battling with Italy for the spoon. As ever, I'd expect one favourable shock result and a bunch of poor performances.
  6. Open in as much as all 5 teams will enjoy beating Scotland? It's not even started yet and I'm depressed :cry:
  7. I won 2nd prize in a competition in the first ever Match magazine in 1979. One ticket to the FA Vase Trophy final at Wembley. Not the best prize for a 7 yr old!
  8. Favourite Christmas song ever: The Scabs: All I want for Christmas is my Methadone
  9. Just because I'm bored at work - a couple more that I watched again recently.
  10. Two quite different* but still great movies: * (Different apart from the obvious fact they both have yellow covers and "King" in the title!)
  11. Voted "other" by way of a spoiled ballot. In the top 4, beaten ManU, Liverpool and Chelsea and we still want to slate some of our players. I bet we'll still have this kind of thread when we are picking up trophies.
  12. Got to agree with that - watched it last night and it was fantastic. On a similar note - Dazed and Confused was excellent too.
  13. Was in the queue at the Disney store on Saturday - two 15 yr old chav girls in line behind me: "Isn't it funny how Christmas used to be all about waking up early and getting excited about your presents and now it's just about getting p*ssed" Made me chuckle anyway :winkold:
  14. If the two owners don't even talk to each other how will they ever agree to sack Benitez? I'd be very surprised if he's sacked. He might walk though at some point.
  15. I thought it was pretty nailed-on that he was but then maybe I was just looking for it. As soon as it was cleaer Rachel was a replicant, I was sure Deckard was too. Probably spoilt it for myself a little as I was waiting for the big reveal which never came. Still - thoroughly enjoyed it though.
  16. Briggaman - some advice, if you will. For some reason I'd never actually got around to watching Blade Runner. No idea how I managed to go so long having never seen it but I recently saw the Final Cut version. I know there's a lot of conjecture about which of the many versions is the best - just wondering what your preference is.
  17. Looks a bit like the Canucks roster a few weeks back. Thankfully most of the players are on the way back now and we've not suffered as much as I'd expected.
  18. ^^What team is that? I went to a Beitar game earlier this year and great fun it was too!
  19. Possibly already mentioned in this thread but I watched this last night and I'd highly recommend it.
  20. Subway is very healthy - just ask Jared :winkold:
  21. Finally got round to watching this after having it on the shelf for ages. Highly recommended so long as you're not the blockbuster action thriller type.
  22. This ... trouble is I'm also quite lazy with culling the bad ones and i have a PC full of photo's Do you find though that the ones you think are going to be really bad often turn out to be your best shot ?? Every time - they look good through the screen but once on the computer they're awful and then, very occasionally, I get one on the laptop that turns out much better than expected. I have one from safari somewhere which I though was just a long-shot of a hippo yawning, then I got it home and realised that there were a family of lions in the background and a few crocs in the foreground. Not that it's a "good" photo but I've definitely had a few average shots turn out to be better than expected. Also have to agree on culling the duff shots. I took 2,800 photos on a recent 1 week trip to Israel. Not only have I not deleted the poorer shots, I didn't even weed them out when sending to the printers so I now have them all to go through to decide what to keep and what to bin.
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