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Everything posted by darrenm

  1. What a shite season. We've let all records against our rivals slip. When the season finishes we won't be the best team in the region any more. We won't be relegated so that side of things won't matter. It's just letting them all catch up or overtake us. I don't even blame McAllister for this match. Putting Pires made sense. James Collins was squarely to blame for each goal, but our attack was just toothless. I think Young in the hole with Downing and Albrighton on the wings would have worked wonders instead of playing 2 up front that did nothing all game. Saying that, on another day we would have had 3 by 60 minutes and been out of sight. We did the standard thing; didn't make the advantage pay and then went to sleep at the end. I'll be really unhappy if Cuellar hasn't been playing because we've already sold him and just want to protect the sale.
  2. Its a great little app. It was quite amazing editing a document on my phone seeing it change on my desktop PC taking a completely different route to the Internet, while others were also editing it from their accounts at the same time. Haven't found out how to do the OCR bit yet though.
  3. Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding, it was actually Abdomlamor
  4. darrenm


    Wonder if anyone can help with this medical query? I'm training for a marathon in October. I've been running for about 3 years but only short distances apart from a half-marathon I did in 2008 and the 3 peaks in 2009 (kinda related). I can currently do about 6 miles comfortably, probably 10-13 at a push. Last night I pushed myself a bit harder and when I got into bed on the night I could feel a slight pain from my heart with every beat. Not related to breathing or anything else, just every time I could feel my heart beating, I could feel slight pain from definitely my heart with it. I've previously had ECGs and two 24 hour ECGs for heart palpitations. They've never found anything wrong, it seems to come and go with diet, so I found if I'm not stressed it lessens the occurrences and it seems to be quite a common thing anyway. They two did blood tests last time, they reckon neither showed up anything (I assume Cholesterol, diabetes, etc.) I've had this slight heart pain before and it seemed to be when I'm eating less / less sugar during the day, go for a run and just before I go to sleep it happens. Now, to improve muscles you have to damage them for them to rebuild stronger. The heart is a muscle so you'd reasonably expect to get some pain after pushing yourself hard. But every single bloody web site just goes straight for the alarmist 'Call 999 now!'. Oh yeah, when resting my heart rate is really slow, about 48-50. Apparently this is fine with no other symptons... Any thoughts?
  5. I'd much prefer Moyes. Not impressed at all with Hughes. Why not Capello? I'm sure the FA will be desperate for an easy get out.
  6. We'll probably lose this, win against Wigan and then beat Arsenal.
  7. As I've said before in this thread, I get full 7.2mbps HSDPA 3G on T-Mobile at all times anywhere in VP. The WiFi wouldn't be cheap and would be difficult to get set up with the pricing structure. But the cash point really does need sorting out. I'd bet the companies operating the charging machines would be queuing up to get theirs in.
  8. I reckon we should start with NRC and Petrov in the middle.
  9. darrenm


    I've signed up to do a Marathon in October. It's the Eden Project Marathon so it's a smaller event. Anyone who wants to sponsor me can do so at this link I reckon I'm about 6 weeks ahead of a 24 week training programme so I hopefully should be OK. I've got to lose about 3 stone in the process though.
  10. I can't honestly remember the prices because pretty much everyone goes all inclusive. With all the food and drink you'd consume over 10 days, even with UK prices you'd easily go over that.
  11. I can't believe the lack of votes for Super Marioworld on the SNES. Best. Game. Eva.
  12. The Maldives is incredible. If you can stretch your budget, go there. It's best to go all-inclusive, it's cheaper in the long-run as you will drink lots of soft drinks during the day and the food is lovely. I went to Kuredu in the Llaviyani atoll. Flew from Gatwick to Bahrain, then Male. Male airport is a bit scary: From there I took a Maldives air taxi for 30 mins to Kuredu I don't like beach holidays, but that place was paradise. Snorkelling with the Manta Rays around the warm reefs was my favourite.
  13. Why I'm suddenly a Sony Ericsson fan again
  14. Neil Warnock?! Sod me we'd have a proper mutiny then. Can you imagine our players getting a roasting like this? they'd bloody go home.
  15. I don't think we can get better than Houllier. I'd love for Houllier to stay and be given money to sort the defence out in the summer. As long as we don't hound him out we'll do great under him next season.
  16. General, I think your answer to number 3 also answers number 2.
  17. "VillaAndLoyal", fair enough, to me it's very conclusive. I can't see any place where the whole of the ball crossed the line. But it's immaterial now, so I don't really care any more. There's no real need to be quite so patronising.
  18. 1) We didn't make any substitutions up until the 92nd minute for some reason. Heskey came on for Gabby. 2) Beckford's goal was across the line, although I couldn't tell whilst I was at the match. Replays have since confirmed that it was over. 3) It was an obvious dive from Jagielka, although Makoun's foot was out so I can see why the ref may have thought it was a pen. 4) No idea why Collins is playing. He was awful for Wales against England too more recently. Yesterday he was so out of the game it was unreal 2. Beckford's goal wasn't across the line. I could tell right away on my stream and replays have since confirmed I was right. 3. Everton fans are the worst ever for appealing for everything. Their players were also doing the same. Every decision that went against them the officials had the whole stadium + every Everton player screaming at them. After the mightily close (but not over the line) shot by Beckford, the ref couldn't not give it. He would have had that massively overrated deluded gimp of a manager moaning afterwards too.
  19. All the ball, all the line. And it definitely wasn't all of the ball over all of the line. As I've been saying all flipping day, it didn't go in. But everyone seems determined to assume it did. So we had 2 valid goals, they had 1 after their disgusting dive. We were robbed.
  20. I going to explode in a minute if anyone else says it was over the line. It really wasn't.
  21. Which legitimate goal was that then? I don't remember any.
  22. Robbed. It wasn't over the line. All of the all has to be over all of the line. It wasn't a penalty. You can't just run into a stationary player on the edge of the box unless you're Steven Gerrard. We always get shit refs.
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