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Everything posted by NoelVilla

  1. In the Benteke thread its the speculation about where he is going all the time. How long is Lambert here? Where will he go if he leaves? Answer to this question should be in next hour...coz this message will be destroyed... Have you been on the Kopparbergs ?? Skål I dont drink at all
  2. In the Benteke thread its the speculation about where he is going all the time. How long is Lambert here? Where will he go if he leaves? Answer to this question should be in next hour...coz this message will be destroyed...
  3. What is it with some people preferring Chelsea and their horrible owner, over Spurs. Whatever the rivalries surely Chelsea should be the one's people don't like? I know that while I want neither Arsenal nor Chelsea to do well if I had a choice between one or the other it would be Arsenal before Chelsea every time. Everything that club stands for is surely wrong? I agree with that. The beautiful work of Dortmund should have won the CL-final. Football is a bitch though.
  4. If everything is going our way?..is Arsenal way out of our reach? For now...yes. Yeah but think it was Lambert spending the MON money; we would be CL favourites now?..or maybe not
  5. and you are Kurt Russell or Snake Plissken
  6. If everything is going our way?..is Arsenal way out of our reach?
  7. Congrats Hogso...that have to be a great feeling
  8. Oversea fan of Villa since 1982...do think that the absurdity of prices will bring me closer and closer to following the bundesliga...it can be done, following Villa with illegal streams and Bundesliga on free TV...
  9. Think their God Levy could have done better.
  10. Its actually a bit like Man Utd winning the league last season...Chelsea and Man City failing so bad that an average Man U side becomes champions...we, Plop, Spurs and Everton havent put up a proper challenge for Arsenal...
  11. Already had beer in the fridge so nothing.
  12. I dont think its strange, think where they would be if they weren´t a joke.
  13. This is the game for me when SHA are shit as usual. Really hate their fans, if you didn´t know, even their Swedish fans are words removed. I can take a loss to Rotherham if we win tomorrow.
  14. A fine effort. Proud of the team. This is going to be a fun season. Are not gonna mention the refs performance.
  15. I wanna see a replay of the takedown of Benteke, looked a pen to me.
  16. We are going to score a lot of goals this season, KEA best so far.
  17. The meltdown in the northeast gonna be fun this season.
  18. Cabaye is not in the Newcastle squad tonight; might be Arsenal who made a better offer
  19. The girls gonna love it
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