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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Lolley having a decent game against Man City. Remember people saying Villa should sign him and being batted down by others saying we can't be sentimental, we're too big a team in too important a league for that sort of gesture. Expensive talent over heart, was the argument.
  2. It would be hilarious if only it wasn't real people's livelihoods and futures at stake.
  3. urrmm some american blokes playing Hoxton Bar and Kitchen next Tuesday night. Station Breaks. I have a feeling I could be the only bloke in the audience so might bow out and go exploring. I might just stand outside for the duration, tutting at hipsters.
  4. quite telling that Gorka repeated a couple of times that they wouldn't use traditional media to get their message across to the 'audience'
  5. big chunks of the press conf on BBC 2 Newsnight now already funny 30 seconds in
  6. nice page so far...watch me go and **** it
  7. He can't be on the space station AND checking up on admin staff. Give the guy a break.
  8. Yes, I think I understood what you meant and the context. My point (on Israel, or the middle east, or the world) was that whilst the U.S. haven’t exactly covered themselves in glory here, what are the alternatives? Do we all take a step back and let the region fight it out? Do we let the likes of the Saudi’s or whoever fund their pet terrorists for more proxy wars, then at some point the Russians can arrive and carpet bomb the Palestinians on to the endangered species list? Do we leave a vacuum everywhere difficult that the Chinese can fill with their sense of what justice means? The hawkish bullying side of Israel, without some thought that other nations might act, could go pretty close to the 1930’s sort of solution to the ‘Palestinian problem’. Of course, the ideal solution is that a just and righteous U.S. lays down a fair set of rules that gets people of every colour across the middle east to meet up on a hill and sing the coca cola song. They all realise they are all just people, have a big hug and get along great. That would be my first pick. As long as our arms exports don’t suffer. But I’ve presumed that isn’t going to happen when I’ve looked at the alternatives.
  9. A bloke in our office was once entertaining us with the hilarious re enactment of how he dropped his mobile phone down a toilet...when he dropped his replacement mobile phone down a toilet. Four guys in a cubicle crying with laughter. Move along, nothing to see here.
  10. you'll have to give me 10 minutes
  11. The alternatives are Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Fascism, Blood Letting Anarchy. I'd run with the U.S. based on that list.
  12. It's the opposite. Grand parents can be full time child carers AND it counts towards topping up their National Insurance contributions as a legit job, should they not already be on full benefits the nanny state but, perhaps she just doesn't like your kids?
  13. learnt a lesson today Being in a small office kitchen and hilariously reciting 'roses are red, violets are blue, this is my knife, get in the van' does not get the laughs expected with two female architects that don't have english as a first language.
  14. There are lots of these totally non-racist perfectly rational and very well informed Brexit voters that are going to wonder why, in say 5 years time, there are still lots of brown coloured muslim types on our streets even after we took back control. My experience of a large number of leave voters in work, at the football and in casual conversation, is that they didn't like foreign people being here and thought voting leave would send them back. The government certainly picked up this mood music and voluntarily 'pre negotiated' a bargaining stance of leaving the single market so as to be able to stop free movement.
  15. the more things stay the same sheriffs and indians taking land profit uber alles
  16. I think support for independence is currently bumping along at between 3% and 28% depending on who's phrased the question and who's polling you want to use to support your argument. I think support for greater powers for the assembly is around 50% / 60% based on that same caveat. I'd be up for it.
  17. I have been to a city and I have seen petrol and diesel cars. In line with recent advice about experts, I was able to think for myself that diesels were noisy, smelly and dirty and not the future. That people were prepared to ignore their own eyes, ears and noses and be persuaded that diesel was a good thing to promote just shows how well we teach and promote critical thinking in this country.
  18. good news, very best of luck just remember fresh starts are for both of you now might be the only chance you get to say that thing you've been wanting to say or make some sort of change you've wanted to see happen
  19. From a mixtape that Xann shared out a couple of years ago, as soon as I heard it, it was in the film I'll eventually make once the funding comes through. Scene is a very very clean and sparkly white tiled domestic kitchen floor, with several bloody trails where bodies have been dragged out of the house. As bright and shiny as an advert for domestic cleaning products. Sparkly music. Blood. Lots of blood.
  20. It would be interesting to see the opinion of the viewer if the kid was parroting something less trendy. Perhaps a love for Jesus or beauty pageants or buckfast. I've only watched the first 50 seconds or so. If I was an angry brexit type looking to stamp on dissenting opinion, I'd have highlighted her privileged background at being able to choose and afford what country to live in. Privileged people lacking empathy with a shake up of the established order, who'd a thunked it. But I didn't last the full minute. Story of my life.
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