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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I'm close to doing that. It upset the kids this morning, which got me all manly and protective. I wanted to pull its head off. I'd prefer it to move on, but it's on borrowed time.
  2. there is a crow (the biggest m/f crow I've ever seen) that's repeatedly trying to get into my house for a few weeks he would sit down the far end of the garden and watch, last week he decided the whole garden was his. Friday, he's on the door handle banging on the glass of the door with his beak! Same yesterday, plus when I got home and got out of the car he stood between me and the house until I got to within touching distance before he flew off. I kid you not, i woke up this morning and there is blood on the glass and blood on the door handle, the guy's a psycho. Just finished my lunch and there is banging on the conservatory glass, we run out, it's the ****' crow again. Seriously, it's like a bloody Hitchcock movie. I don't suppose anybody else has ever experienced this?
  3. Whilst they don't have to happen, perhaps they should if we want to prove we really are a progressive society (at least until no marriages happen in church which would be the other way of solving the inequality). As mentioned earlier, telling Rosa Parks she can have a seat just not one down the front really isn't good enough. We are equal, or we are not. You can offer people their own separate bus, it isn't the same. Many years ago I had a job in a Working Men's Club. They had a rule that women couldn't join independently. The rule sounded sensible at the time. Women could join, if invited by men. They could also set up their own women only club if they wanted to. After years of bother, the rule was changed, women could join. Lordy Lord, it turned out the world kept turning. The club is still there.
  4. I don't think that's quite right. I think there are a good few churches that would happily marry gay couples already. Not least, those with gay church leaders, but not exclusively. In many areas there is a don't ask / don't tell attitude to relationships. This is stretched to the limit when a leader is quite clearly living with another man. It's just that they've never said they actually play hide the penis, and the congregation hasn't bothered to ask (because they patently already know the answer). There are already 'blessings' carried out in churches whereby civil ceremonies are 'endorsed' later in a church. I've been to one, and it wasn't some trendy Islington urban church either, it was a chocolate box twee little place where the average age of the punters was well over 60. I think if the law on gay marriage was changed in late May, the first wedding would be around about early June.
  5. the sooner the booze finally does for ferguson the better perhaps if he rates him that highly he'd like to head hunt him
  6. Tapes! I've got a big old reel to reel and a very mixed bag of tapes, some country, big band, mantovani etc..
  7. I wouldn't worry about it too much AJM. There's no major need for balancing the argument when the few diehard Nazis have so little to offer beyond portraying their selfishness as virtue. d'oh! I was sooo hoping to be first to point out that often bad manners can be dressed up by arrogant wannabe posh boys as good manners. That's the problem with Thatcher's version of the boys from Brazil. They have that same misguided belief that they are superior when actually they are just pompous, wilfully ignorant and scared of the masses diluting their privileged lifestyle. The revolution is still coming friends. It just might take a while to get out of Greece. (just being retro there)
  8. Just before I go any further may I just say a big **** you, it is not a crock of geek shit it's a crock of geek gold :-) :winkold: ah I thought I'd got away with that. I know I must be wrong, the footfall figures tell me so. But big budget children's films based on comics just leave me cold. People in my Brummy office bang on about whether or not some made up character's utility bely will be like the 1962 comic or the first 1973 film or whether cat lady or Mr Tickle will be darker this time. Just leaves me utterly bored.
  9. Gay people should be made to have kids. That'll stop them spending all their money on interior design and cappucino.
  10. As a genuine question and not some clever trap for those that are uncomfortable with the gay dad's scenario: what exactly would be the problem? is the worry that gays may be paedo's? Or that you can be turned gay against your nature? Or that you will be messed up for not being a standard nuclear unit? Or some other point I'm missing? It surely can't be that you don't think it would sit right with God? I'm one of those religious types and I don't see the connection there. I've got a couple of gay friends (that's such a cronically pathetic start to a sentence). As it happens the female friend is a psycho and would not make a good mum, regardless of sexuality she's so stressed about everything it would be properly bad. I've got a male friend that would be the best dad, he's single, inherited a comfortable amount of money, lots of spare time and passionate about outdoor sports. He must be godfather to half the kids I know and I'm pretty confident he could recite all their birthdays. Sexuality and raising children really don't relate. Sexual mores and being around kids - that's another story and I'd guess the stats would say the main abusers are 'straight' 'traditional' blood relatives.
  11. If it doesn't harm anyone then it's nothing to do with anyone else. Gay marriage can be a wonderful thing, it can also be as shallow and stupid as traditional marriage if the two people entering into it haven't really thought it through. on your point 1) I've had the same one and only partner for 28 years and it's just completely and utterly awesome. Every day is different and I reckon another 28 years and I will have worked out how the other half thinks. point 2) If they are good parents, they are good parents. I'd prefer a kid to have two gay mums than live in care for 16 years.
  12. Where might one find this film? £3 (three!) in Asda
  13. staying blue now apparently do I smell a cunning stunt?
  14. Yeah, I don't see it ever getting onto anyone's top 10, but it was the girliest movie I've ever sat all the way through. I'm usually a bit Zulu / Alien / Fench Connection in my tastes. Like I say, probably down to location spotting for much of it. It's always interesting when you know an area well to see how they mix and match locations so well. Walk down a corridor that was in a building in one town, out and down some steps from a completely different building, cross the road to a park lord knows where and onto the beach in another town looks logical and seemless if you don't know the area. Matching the light in four different locations for a scene that lasts 20 seconds start to finish. oh, and then being able to annoy the hell out of the missus by pointing out the scene with a sunset could only possibly have actually have been a sunrise. I think I might have been watching it in a different way to how she watched it. Then again, she thought The Avengers was good and I thought it was a crock of geek shite. So that shows what I know about film.
  15. watched 'Submarine' last night. A low budget dry humour British coming of age type movie, if I had to give it a really brief description. I thought it was rather grand. Helped along by the fact that much of it was shot around where I grew up and had lots of lingering shots of deserted fair grounds and scruffy docks.
  16. Well Tom Hanks isn't from Aston and it didn't put him off (not seen him in the Holte End this season). From talking to a few, I think many Cardiff fans would happily see their team play in cellophane if it meant getting into the Prem.
  17. No fixed plans. We've already done Longleat and Stonehenge and had a London weekend. We will go camping when the weather breaks. Other than that, no plans. Certainly no big spend overseas adventure. But I'm lucky, plenty of potential for business travel.
  18. It'd be interesting to canvass that, what kids want to be. I'd be fairly confident that train driving astro police have been overtaken by 'famous celebrity'.
  19. Combined with a disgusting 30% turnout. Ive always felt voter apathy was a bit weird. I turned 18 during the electioneering for the 1997 general election, and maybe it's because that was such a landmark election in our countries recent history I have always found the time to go and vote (all 10 minutes out of my day!). I genuinely dont think I have failed to vote in any election, local or general since I have been eligible. Lots of it is apathy, and I'm sure those individuals will refrain from moaning about those that got in due to their apathy. Sometimes it's genuinely because none of the parties appeal. That is why I believe every voting form should have the option of 'none of the above' at the bottom. Then you can still vote when everyone standing is a nob.
  20. Boris vs Ken battle of the cults really
  21. Prior to the invasion Maggie was hugely unpopular, after it she was politically bomb proof. Some on the left (and this isn't aimed at Blandy or any other poster in particular) have always resented the UK's victory over Argie totalitarianism, precisely because it gave Thatcher the chance to continue (and eventually win) her campaign against the British militant left. The same sullen and bitter underlying attitude can be found in BBC and Guardian editorials to this day, and imo for the same reason. "The Belgrano was a war crime", "Maggie provoked it (!)" etc. is all nonsense imo, but nevertheless that view often seems to be received wisdom on the left. I've never met anyone that resented winning. I've met plenty that resented that woman's attitude and self promotion and glorification and her involvement in a destructive conflict that killed and maimed people.
  22. 1.5 seconds of video, it's just so stupidly pointless I've burned my vhs copy of Evita welcome to Britain for the Olympics guys, you might want to prepare your own food wherever you're staying, because we've got thoughtless dullards too
  23. well done son, you gave a lot of people a lot of fun
  24. if it has to be one of them, Blackpool
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