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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. might as well call a bloke 'breather' or 'blinker' anybody that doesn't w@nk is a w@nker in my opinion in fact, now I think about it, I'll be back shortly.....
  2. that has to be fake? Shirley?
  3. the opening ceremony: 'Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome. There isn't really a ceremony, everyone will enter the stadium waving flags. We've given £10 million to charities around the world. ok, let the games begin!' Olympics needs a bit of a re set and that would start it.
  4. I can't help feeling there is still something left to play out here. Some last minute restraint of trade appeal process or threat of a breakaway Atlantic League. As much as I'd love the weekly car crash that will be Rangers vs High Street YMCA I just can't help feeling something will prevent it.
  5. I'm getting adverts for Picaddily Backpackers. Is this some sort of euphomism that will just lead me to another unsavoury dating website?
  6. just for info., BBC 'be in an audience' web page currently showing free tickets for a Blur gig 31st July. It's a lucky dip draw, but as its free why not have a punt.
  7. Hang on! Nobody tutted at the idea of pushing women to the ground for being a nuisance. But getting the unemployed working causes debate! You're going in my little book, what your name?
  8. *cough* slave trade *cough* That only works if there are jobs out there for them If I didn't have a job, I'd hope to be very busy LOOKING for a job rather than picking shite up off the side of the road. Jobs don't find you. You find jobs. And you don't tend to find them in a chain gang walking up a country lane. yeah a good point and one I've agonised over for literally seconds. I'm really not suggesting a shitty chain gang that the currently political parties would turn it into. I'm talking about some magical ingredient 'x' I haven't yet quite nailed that turns chain gangs, slave labour, big society and all that into a productive thing. A bit like Remploy before they dismantled it. A couple of days a week doing stuff that will contribute, no shame in it, no stigma, no orange boiler suits. just a form of resource we can call on to do 'stuff'. Do you know what, we could even spend lottery money building factories that make stuff we don't currently make. Off the top of my head, we don't make washing machines here, so let's build a washing machine factory in.....Merthyr or Redditch.
  9. MJMooney did go to the trouble of printing the lyrics rather than some modern affectation of 'linking'. I do now have a mental picture of Mr M as a short rotund jolly welshman in black and white. For what it's worth, I'd be banning umbrellas and I wouldn't look kindly on the use of the word soccer. People that say 'soccer' suggest to me they have to distinguish 'football' from their own oddly shaped perversions. I think we've agreed elsewhere what we are doing with perverts. Nobody fit and well gets benefits without contributing somehow. They can pick litter, paint, help out in care homes. a million jobs that need doing. No fit and able people 'on the dole' with economic migrant workers getting low wage jobs. That's not a downer on foreign types, they are more than welcome. But let's not bring people in to do the jobs some of us can't be arsed with. I really really don't read the Daily Heil.
  10. I'd stop all state funding of art or art 'installations'. I loves a bit of art me, but the thought of paying some tit from Guatemala or Belgium or wherever to come over here and interpret modern living through the medium of kites...aargh. Artists are supposed to suffer in the hope of being discovered. Women stopping at the bottom of escalators or in shop doorways can legitimately be pushed over and then you can shout 'see what you made me do?' at them. Niche internet dating sites to allow you a good look at the merchandise without the tedium of signing up via a verified e-mail address. Obviously I base this on pure speculation as to what I presume probably happens.
  11. I'd be happy for Forest to do well (i.e. finish one place below us). First game I can remember at VP was against Forest. I was stood high up on the black ash of the Holte watching the waves of marauding hoolies outside chasing each other back and fore. Then all combined running through the gardens of the terraced houses that used to be there to avoid a mounted police cavalry charge. It's not very pc and my opinion would be different now, but at the time I thought it was all just fantastic and exciting.
  12. I'd be an excellent and mostly benign dictator. Rule 1: No saggy trousers showing boxer shorts. Rule 2: Free ice cream based products on sunny Friday's for anyone with a proper job (Magnums incur a 20p surcharge). Proper job to be defined by me. Rule 3: Adopted / adapted from Tony's earlier post elsewhere, take the baseball cap off unless you are a) playing baseball special needs
  13. unless you are William Hague or the sun is shining and burning your retinas and you can't afford a decent pair of sunglasses , why wear a cap at all ? they are going on the banned list when I rule the universe Yes, caps go on the clothing banned list. Droopy trousers too. Some days I just want to walk the streets with a megaphone shouting 'pull up your trousers and lose the cap homeboy'. I'm just worried I'd mess up and shout 'drop your trousers and pull my cap' or something equally unfortunate.
  14. But if we all did that it would make it much harder to know at a glance whether you were in liverpool or not.
  15. My work experience was at a timber yard. During my induction tour I witnessed somebody gangnail gun their hand to a timber roof truss. It made me realise that I didn't want a job that involved use of a nail gun. So on the whole, worth going.
  16. I blame the parents. No, really. There is every chance the kid has had a sheltered life, no pocket money job, no interaction with a wide range of adults, no need to set an alarm clock and prepare clothes for the next day. So potentially, after two days in the deep end of adult life, he hasn't been able to hack it. I started my first pocket money job aged 12 and had to walk across a working dock in the evenings to get there. Aged 14 I was working weekends as a kitchen hand in a hotel. By the time I did work experience at 16 I arranged my own work experience in the wages office of a timber yard. I had the experience to realise it was indoors, the nouse to know office work hours didn't interfere with my paid work and the confidence to sort out my own contacts for work experience. I suspect the same route today would require 3 months of CRB checks and an exemption under the euro working time directives. Two days is nowhere near enough time for either party to form an opinion. Patience and empathy and fairness. Failing that, do him up the wrong 'un.
  17. Yeah I can see that, it's extreme in the way he is ordinarily utterly controlled. I don't do film crit to quite your level, but yes, I can see the message and I do accept the arguement. The problem's mine. But I've just got a weak point, really struggle with graphic realistic violence. The head being slammed repeatedly in the car door at the end of Lock Stock, really really difficult viewing for me. Slapstick violence ( C5's The Walking Dead), no problem. It's a really bizarre hang up when your fave films includes the likes of Reservoir Dogs, Casino, Drive etc..
  18. No, not seen that one. I suspect that may contain one small violent scene too many? Really like Reservoir Dogs, but the cop torture just goes that little bit too far for me. I suspect I may be a girl.
  19. A nice new pair of Dickies for me a couple of weeks back. I jumped down into a trench I thought contained clay - it was actually a broken sewage pipe. Climbed out of trench, prized off boots and left them on the side of the site hut.
  20. Watched The Damned United last night. I'd have to say I was disappointed. A bit two dimensional, a 90 minute impersonation. Watched Drive the night before, thought it was beautiful. I'm just a smidge uncomfortable with that uber violence that just feels one stamp or one blood spurt too many.
  21. You are a star! I had a hooky copy of this and lost it and never knew what it was to go get another copy. cheers
  22. Mr Face, I'm really sorry to do this to you, but I am the Birmingham Student. That thing I made you do to prove you are genuine? That going in the Phunnays tomorrow. Now wash your hands.
  23. 'home' I'm on 3 places wot I've lived in, 6 clearly I'm not the adventurous type
  24. chrisp65

    Ice rink

    The Abbey, in Minster, Isle of Sheppey.
  25. yep, same here, except mine is set to silent except 3 or 4 people that are set to over ride silent with a boring old school 'ring ring' I don't have a single piece of music or 'app' added to my phone that wasn't on it in the box
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