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Everything posted by leemond2008

  1. I don't care if people say we have done alright against a "world class" team I don't think I have enjoyed a second of this game. The villa and football in general is just completely dull at the moment and has been for a good while now, I can't wait for full time so I can fook off to bed
  2. Well that was a complete and utter failure, **** horrible, to be honest I think I mite have completely **** up because I was rushing it to get it all done before the villa came on. As far as I know I followed the recipe every step of the way so I don't know what went wrong. I'll give it another try when I can be arsed and have some more time.
  3. Nah I meant could you freeze a sag paneer? doubt it I cant see as though the cheese would be too apetizing afterwards In all fairness I have froze a few prawn curries in my time and never had any problems
  4. me a veggie??? no chance, I often go for a sag paneer when I order a meal in though so thought I would give it a go...could you freeze that after making it? I am guessing you cant
  5. Going to make an attempt at saag paneer tonight (if I can find anywhere in town that sellf Paneer that is) I'll let you know how I get on with it
  6. I thought it had bin dunne but thought I would throw it back in the mix anyway
  7. So... George Groves pulls out of his fight with Ndiaye and moves to Eddie Hearns stable Ricky Burns pulls out of his fight with Vasquez because they cant aggree terms Derek Chisora most likely wont be fighting because he hasn't had his hearing with the boxing board about his licence yet looks like it'll be a lonely night for Nathan Cleverley Boxnation really needs to do something spectacular to keep taking £10 a month off me, the fights so far have been piss poor this year and this was the first night I was really looking forward to. It seems a strange choice for Groves to be moving over the Eddie Hearn rather than sticking with Frank Warren, that will more than likely mean that all of Groves fights will be back on Sky Sports now doesn't it. I cant see how Burns can withdraw from a fight less than two weeks before the start of it and say it is down to being ''unable to agree terms' surely that is the sort of stuff that is put to bed before the fight is even announced.
  8. I have been thinking this since I heard about the shooting, it is the only logical explanation for it
  9. Come on then Dr P is there anything decent on this weekend? I know that Matty Hatton is fighting but other than that there isn't much that I am too interested in that I know of. Box nation schedule
  10. cheers folks I've took a good look through the recent posts and there are a few things I am definitely going to give a go I made a mahoosive chicken & prawn curry the other day and I was well chuffed with it at the time but I have just threw a little curry today with the last of my food it took no time at all and was **** lovely, knocked spots off the one that I slaved over the other day, I didn't measure anything in any way I literally just threw everything in and it came up awesome. pretty pissed f that it was better than the one the other day after all the effort I put into making it.
  11. OK then peeps I am after some help could anyone provide some recipies suitable to be cooked and eaten by one person, I am finding more and more that when I get home from work I just cant be **** to make anything for dinner because its actually harder to cook for one person than it is for 2 or 3 people (thats what I find anyway) and if I do have dinner it is usually just some frozen meal. I do cook an awesome curry though. any tips would be greatly appreciated (the only thing that is a big fat no no is anything with mushrooms in them)
  12. Duncan Ferguson gets my vote, used to love him when he was playing
  13. what part would I play in all of this?
  14. fair play to ya, I was smoking 20 a day and with them electric cigarettes I managed to cut down to 10 a day (pretty much just completely stopped smoking whilst I was at work) and now I pretty much only smoke when I have a drink and dont barely ever use me lecci fag that was in the period of 2 month's or so, the hardest thing for me was stopping the ''5pm fag'' it killed me for a while not having that one
  15. I think I put about 15 viruses onto me laptop yesterday as well whilst trying to find a legit copy of Idump
  16. nope you cant go Ipod > computer only computer > Ipod I dont have all 15000 songs on Itunes because I have been through 3 laptops since I have had the Ipod and it would clatter the memory on me current laptop to hold all of them
  17. I get the feeling that my Ipod is on its way out, I've got 15000 songs on it and need to get them all backed up to my external hard drive, last time I backed it up I think I put about 12 or 13 thousand tracks on it I used Idump last time but I cant seem to find any working download's of it, could someone point me in the rite direction of a program that will safely transfer my songs onto my laptop so I can shift them onto my hard drive I would be **** gutted if I lost my songs
  18. Is there still a Game shop (for PS3 and the likes) by the villa shop/odeon in town??? I am considering buying an old game to keep me occupied for a few nights.
  19. Fook me this Dennis Wheatley book is hard going, I'm still on 'The devil rides out' Its a thoroughly enjoyable read I just cant seem to put a dent in it, I am going to go all out this week to get at least 'The devil rides out' finished then I can read something else in between starting the next two stories
  20. I meant how do you embed them, I got it now though nope, no I havent got it at all
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