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Everything posted by bose

  1. Too soon. :? Surely you mean "Tsun". Post of the year!
  2. Yeah no way Downing and Young will both be leaving this summer. I think most people know Young will leave this summer but I'm not sure who of the two I would rather have here (of course I would have them both if given the choice). I don't think you can say that one is clearly better than the other but for me Downing has been far better this season so I think if we can keep him it will soften the blow of Young leaving.
  3. As things are looking now I'm leaning towards letting him stay and giving him the summer to make his changes. I've still got big doubts about him but I think the way we've been playing recently gives me reason to be a bit optimistic. Having said that results must start to go our way if he is to stay.
  4. People who are saying switch back to man marking in set pieces are wrong I think because from what I saw today we used a man marking system. Baker was on Cahill in every corner and Clark on Davies. If anything we should maybe try to use zonal marking on set pieces. Can't be much worse than this?
  5. Just as the team is gaining momentum, he puts up a reserve team against one of the best teams in the league! Just as quick as morale has gone up it goes down. Pathetic.
  6. Subs: Marshall, Pires, Reo-Coker, Walker, A Young, Downing, Albrighton Insanely good bench though!
  7. Don't like the look of that line up, quite inexperienced. We need good performances from the experienced ones - Heskey, Petrov, Gabby and Dunne. Given that there are three strikers there, Gabby and Delfouneso are on the wings?
  8. He did, I saw this. I saw it too it wasn't in a disrespectful way though, he just thought that Ash should have it for the remainder of the game. No point changing captains mid game.
  9. Not taking anything away from the lads but how dreadful were Blackburn?! Especially the defending in Downing's goal. But you can only beat what's in front off you and we did it in style today. Pires, Downing and Ash the best players today with special mentions to Albrighton (second half) and Reo-Coker.
  10. Happy times! I was scared at half time that we were in for 1-1 draw but what a second half performance. Onwards and upwards!
  11. Very little going on attacking wise, just very stale and no creativity.
  12. Nevermind Pires starting (as bizarre as that is), I'm more scared about our inexperienced back four. Hope they prove me wrong today.
  13. Not a recommendation as such but I just saw London Boulevard and it was exactly as I expected it to be. It's a film that want's to be really slick and cool but fails miserably IMO. Basically a very poor Lock, stock and two smoking barrels. There's not even a decent plot. And is it just me or does Ray Winstone always play the same character? (i.e. himself!) But another recommendation for both the King's Speech and the Black Swan - both excellent films in their own right.
  14. The game was there for the taking in the first half but we never had a chance in the second half. Gabby, Downing, even Young were lively in the first but completely disappeared after the break. Reo-Coker was the only one who had a decent all round game but one player isn't enough. Young has gotten way to big for his boots and I get the feeling he thinks he's too good for us. Really poor second half from him and the miss at the end summed it up. No Makoun in the next three matches is gonna make it tough for us.
  15. Petrov must be injured or he would be on the bench.
  16. Bradley and Delph on bench. No Bannan Reo in for Petrov and Cuellar for Collins. Mat Kendrick on Twitter
  17. "In all seriousness Franco Baldini asked what nationality Bannan was after #avfc away at Fulham in November. That's true." Matt Kendrick on Twitter. Did he get any minutes for Scotland tonight?
  18. I can't stand the guy to be honest.
  19. Don't know if anyone has mentioned it but I loved his pass for Downing in our first goal. He's got such good awareness and can spot a pass instantly.
  20. bose

    General Chat

    F1 driver Robert Kubica is apparently seriously injured in Italy having crashed his car. Some news reports saying he could lose his arm.
  21. More gutted about Bannan, can understand why Bradley isn't in the squad but again no Bannan?!
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