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Everything posted by mrchnry

  1. Too many bottle jobs in this team, fold under pressure just like that Sheffield Utd game when we could have gone top. Luiz is the biggest culprit for this.
  2. Some of these players have bottled it when the pressure gets too much.
  3. Has that been an option this whole time?
  4. It is what it is, they want it way more. I'm concerned about Luiz's recent form now though. He's a shadow of his usual self.
  5. Covered with the part about them not being arsed
  6. 3-0 down, players not arsed, no changes made. Its clear this trophy isn't a priority for the club.
  7. Seems like the commentators have got a book full of negative comments to make about Villa.
  8. Went to see a recording of RHLSTP last night with Armando Ianucci which was a real fan boy moment to see him. Rob Brydon was the second guests and he was brilliant too.
  9. Good week to drop the new crest after a 5-0 win.
  10. He got the all clear end of 2023
  11. This year I've got more stand up shows than gigs planned. Off to see Rhod Gilbert tomorrow, then Vittorio Angelone in a few weeks. There's some really good shows at Leicester Comedy Festival this year.
  12. We clearly can't pay what they want, probably due to FFP.
  13. Luton too, loads of stuff outside their crest.
  14. Is he match ready or is this one for the future?
  15. We need a John Carew type player, tall, strong and a nuisance. I have no suggestions to add.
  16. They really are running out of people to point the blame at.
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